My First NES Portable, WIP

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Active Member
First off, n00b here. Just started yesterday.
Second, I bought a Retro Duo. Does it work well with any NES games? I havn't recieved it yet.
Third, Mock up:


Back and top and bottom. Sides will be plain.

  • Specs:
  • Non PSOne screen (too big for glamour)
  • Hopefully normal, Nintendo made hardware (Famicom w/ adapter, anyone?)
  • Cartridge is inside back of unit.
  • 2 Controller Ports
  • Awesome Rip-Off design
  • Probably going to be over 3" thick
  • Not for Sale

  • And I have:
  • No modding skillz
  • RetroDuo
  • 10w Soldering Iron
  • Super Mario Bros. Cartridge
  • DSi for pics, but I need a SD card reader for my computer. Probably could use my mom's iPhone and E-mail it to myself. My phone camera is crap.
  • Awesome MS Paint skillz

Please reply, I love feedback.

EDIT: Got RetroDuo. Too cool to cut up.
Re: NES Portable, WIP?

Don't use a retro duo, you need to keep the SNES side of the thing to use the nes side.
Can someone post a pic of the RetroDuo board? Just so I can see if I can move some of the chips.

EDIT: What's the best NOAC combatability-wise?


  • Anybody know of a good, cheap set of LEDs for a low price?
  • What kind of plastic should I use for my case?
  • Should I Vacuum form it or just screw pieces of plastic together?
  • Does anybody have any NES games i could buy from them? I only have one.
  • What about a NES for sale?
  • I'm a n00b and no next to nothing about electronics. Links would be helpfull.

Thanks for any and all help!
You pretty much failed when you bought a retro duo just for the nes side.
Once you disconnect the snes side the nes side is useless.
But you can use the SNES side without the NES side XD

Ouch, but you can get a NOAC for around $20. If you can get a NES cheap, that's good too, but it will be bigger.

Also I bought the RetroDuo before planning on making an NES portable, for your information.

Now have 2 NES and 2 SNES games! SMB 1, Excitebike, and Super Turrican, a Super Game Boy, and a normal SNES controler.
To bad Excitebike has "DREW" written on the all front of it and the Super Game Boy has a random line on the front in permanent marker.

Does anybody know how to clean permanent marker (like a Sharpie) off of plastic without damaging the label?
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