My first Gamecube Portable!

Hello everyone, finally getting around to making this log, 'bout time.

Straight to business, I've done a little bit of work with the heatsink, and cut the fins to about half-length. ( Also, that fan there is going to be put on it, however I'm concerned about cooling, since the fins where the fan's going are gonna be cut out, I feel like it wouldn't be getting enough dissipation area, since it will only have about 1/4-1/5 of the previous surface area.

Secondly, I've wired to the dvd filters, ready for the WASP. (
Now, let's just say, this isn't the prettiest job.., but it should work, in theory. ( (advert your eyes!))

If you're wondering about the fan, and why I'm using such a massive one, it'll all make sense when I get my case delivered. Also, about the controller, I can't seem to find a pinout for the 6 pins from controller->gamecube, (

That's all for now, time to wire up that WASP and see if it actually works.
Welcome, welcome!

You only need the white and green grounds (I would combine them) and the 3.3v blue logic (actually 3.3v) and red data (~1v). If you need 3.3v or 5v from the board you can use that blue logic line or the yellow 5v rumble line.

Problem is, I can't find a pinout using those specific pins. Do you still have the wires you desoldered, or perhaps another controller you could open to look at?
Thanks for the reply! I do have the cable, but it's just the colours, (red, white, blue, green, yellow, unshielded) not the header pins, that got clipped and tossed without a second thought. :oops:

Could I wire data/3v3 to the chip, Ashen's pinout shows 2 data-in lines, which confused me, would one or both be wired to the gamecube? Gonna poke around with continuity for a bit.

EDIT: A couple minutes with the multimeter shows that:
1: 3v3 logic (blue)
2: (no contact, 5v or closed ground?) (yellow/white/green?)
3: Data in (red)
4: Ground - common (white/green)
5: (no contact, maybe 5v or closed ground?) (yellow/white/green?)
6: Ground - Cable shielding (black/exposed)

Logically, 5 would be ground and 2 5v, but if 2 was a closed ground, and 5 was 5v, it'd be a pattern, or maybe I'm missing something simple by overthinking things.
However, I should just be able to wire up 1, 3, and 4/6, since I don't need 5v (not using rumble) correct?
All you need are logic, data, and the w/g grounds. At least with my mad catz controller, it needs both white and green grounds. One of them is probably used for detection.
Spent a couple hours messing with the transistor wiring, and it's genuinely confusing me. :(

From what I get from the picture, it would be wired like this?

(shamelessly "borrowed" from Ashen's GC trim guide :))
Other than this, no progress, cleaned up the heatsink a bit, doesn't look so rough anymore.