MRSC: September 9, 10 and 11!


Probably SS
Bo is driving from FL to my house in SC next weekend, we are building another gamecube portable.

Other people should come, we can work on portable and be awesome.

I'll be too busy with my 20th birthday, one of my roommate's 21st birthday, and both of my roommates getting married... or something like that.

Also, I can't afford the gas... actually, I think that's the bigger reason.
You should probably wait for MR FL.

Bo's going to be hosting it and we'll have more room, and we'll have Zero, and I'll bring cool stuff. And it'll be less focused than MRSC, which is basically me and bo working in the tower like mad dogs the whole time.

Yeah, Zero, we just decided that we would come get you or something.

Afro, it's when...I have no idea. But relatively soon, within the next few weeks I would guess.

That'd be cool. I remember asking where Bo lived once, but I forgot. It was somewhere in northern Florida, right?