MRCA Meetup


We have already have a good handful of members in California ( :awesomepalmer: :awesomemario: :demonpie: :awesometoast: :awesomeyoshi: :cool: <- Tchay), and we want to do dis.

Where, when, and what to do when we all meet up? Discuss! :awesomebanhammer:
Palmer's future apartment, June, and a bunch of awesome flax including a 3DS party.

No but seriously, we won't be able to plan this well until next year because everything we are saying now is just speculation.
417 for plane tickets down to LA and back, Palmer is paying half. (CALLED IT) I also called the couch.
I can go pick up JD and Ish (Although I won't have my license for a year yet and it's about 8 hours in the wrong direction :p) But I'm in. Definitely.
mako321 said:
417 for plane tickets down to LA and back, Palmer is paying half. (CALLED IT) I also called the couch.
Wow, Palmer's generous. If Palmer has a spare mattress or something, I'm gonna call it.

I'm going, can't pass up the free airfare. Plus, I have nothing better to do during the summer.
I'm coming. If it's in the summer, I can fly/drive out there. hopefully Southwest still has that deal for the four locations, cheap tickets. Because two of the locations are STL and LAX. Perfect.

EDIT: Looks like Southwest can give me a $220 round trip. This could be awesome.
There'd better not be like 15 people who say they will fly/drive/travel long distances to make this trip, and then bail at the last minute. That's why ComiCon only had me, Palmer, and Thursty.

If you say you're gonna go, you'd better seriously mean it.
Is there some kinda counterargument I can use against my parents if they're like 'hurr hurr hanging with pedo internet people hurr"?
I wanted to go to ComicCon, but my only chance was a ride from the East coasters... But that failed. This I can definitely do, as I'm already set to fly out to California next summer, and I don't have to tell my parents I'm going to hang out with internet friends :p There's plenty of interest in California.
Mario said:
There'd better not be like 15 people who say they will fly/drive/travel long distances to make this trip, and then bail at the last minute. That's why ComiCon only had me, Palmer, and Thursty.

If you say you're gonna go, you'd better seriously mean it.
The only thing that will stop me is if my mom goes psycho and won't give me the money vouchers. I've been to three MR meetings, my parents trust MR by now.
D.J said:
mako321 said:
417 for plane tickets down to LA and back, Palmer is paying half. (CALLED IT) I also called the couch.
Wow, Palmer's generous. If Palmer has a spare mattress or something, I'm gonna call it.

I'm going, can't pass up the free airfare. Plus, I have nothing better to do during the summer.
I was joking about him paying :p
I do call the couch, though.
I'm going. Whenever and wherever, I'll be there. Depending on when it is, I may bring along some new things I've been working on :cool:
J.D said:
Is there some kinda counterargument I can use against my parents if they're like 'hurr hurr hanging with pedo internet people hurr"?
Hm..., how 'bout "Well, I have given our address out to most of these people. If they wanted to molest me, they would've done it by now."
zeturi said:
J.D said:
Is there some kinda counterargument I can use against my parents if they're like 'hurr hurr hanging with pedo internet people hurr"?
Hm..., how 'bout "Well, I have given our address out to most of these people. If they wanted to molest me, they would've done it by now."
That argument can backfire in SO many different ways.

I don't know what to really suggest. All you can do from what I can see. Is try and convince them otherwise. Just don't be pushy about it though.
1. What exactly is happening?
2. If Palmer lives in LA thats like 2 hours north of me.
3. :dah: I woke up bout an hour ago and it is currently 4:00 in the morning.