

Probably SS
is my latest finished project. I am done here, I am finished with this project.

Here are some WIP pictures:

3.5" ebay screen adjustment pinout by ShockSlayer
ShockSlayer's "How to wire up power in your portable!" guide
ShockSlayer's Battery Solutions
ShockSlayer's "Tchay's audio amp" guide!
ModRetro Connecticut vaccuum forming demonstration
Rewiring the cartridge connector (Youtube)
Trimming an N64 motherboard
Chopping the n64 mobo A tiny bit more.
How to wire video to your N64
How to wire controllers to your N64
How to get 3.3v for your N64p
How to wire up batteries and a screen to your N64
U8 Wiring
ShockSlayer's quick 1.9v diagram guide
SS's guide to running a DS Phat without a top screen
SS's 3DS nub alternate solder points.
SS's 1st N64 portable, the X64
SS's 2nd N64 portable, the S64
SS's 3rd N64 portable, the X64 v2
SS's 4th N64 portable, the XS64
SS's 5th N64 portable, the SS64
SS's 6th N64 portable
SS's 7th N64 portable
SS's 8th N64 portable
SS's 9th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 10th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 11th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 12th N64 portable, the AG-64 Portable.
SS's 13th N64 portable, the TriSixtyFource
SS's Apollo Justice Braclet
SS' LED belt buckle
SS's Majora's Rock sculpture
SS's LoZ flashlight belt buckle
SS's MP3 player-in-an-SNES-controller mod. And it pulsates.
SS's internal Dingoo SD card mod
SS's first Gamecube portable
SS's Gamecube ZN-45 portable
SS's beautiful XGC
SS's Wii laptop, the WiiL
SS's car battery Wii portable
SS's 2nd Wii portable, the WiipV2
SS's modded Pokemon Crystal cart
SS's GP2x
SS's Grappling hook
SS's IronMan armor
SS's HEV suit

Honorable mention: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=102

But, hey! It works! And it runs real long for what I've got!

Special thanks:
Benheck and marshallh: for being popular enough to be on google to help me find this community originally.
Black Six: for closerizing my threads and for telling me the name for what I want to become, an electrical engineer.
Triton: my greatest critic and long time guy-on-forum. Also inspiration.
βeta: for MRCT. Happiest time of my life. And my XGC case. And for always being honest with me.
budnespid: for when you finally break the TSF's record, and for helping me help my friend with that NES cart slot, and everything else.
Thursty and eurddrue: for sticking by me through thick and thin, regardless of circumstances, and the long phone chats with both of you.
Sonyqrio: for not giving up because of jerkasses like me. Keep on.
jleemero: for teaching me things, your words often echo in my head, and in my hair.
Everyone who told me I brought them into portablizing and was an inspiration. Thank you.
Everyone who told me I impacted their life. Thank you.

Ya'll know how to find me, and this isn't the end of me building things. I am a craftsman at heart, and that will never change.
My final request is that you let me leave peacefully. So, no giant announcement threads, no shoops, no constant jokes, please? That would be really nice.


Just 'cause I was a bit disappoint doesn't mean I want you gone.

A tremendous loss happened today. Deep down I really was hoping we could find a solution everyone liked, and as much as I really don't want you to leave, I respect your decision and the fact you are handling it in a very kind way. It's highly appreciated that everything is left on a good note.

And remember what I told you, if you decide to come back at any time in the future, there will always be a place for you here.

Bros forever, and I'll keep in touch. <3

- Zero
I didn't want any of this to happen. But I shall respect your wishes.

Also, my shoop was made yesterday, before seeing any of this. It was purely for lulz. Mods are welcome to delete it.
SS could add everything I've ever done to that list. None of it would have been possible without him. Just sayin'.
I know I'm not very popular around here, but I'd still like to say a few things. It was one July afternoon, and I being my 12 year old self at the time, was on YouTube, watching things about video games, and somehow wandered off onto videos about N64. It was then I saw under the related video section "SS's 11th N64 Portable", and so I watched it. I was astonished. I never thought it was possible. At first I thought, "Man, this guy knows how to edit a video." I realized there was more than one, dozens all over the internet. I then built up enough courage to come on this site. I was a lurker for the longest time, scared to even try and open an N64. It was then last December (of 2010), I had completed and almost exact replica of the portable made by the modder who inspired me the most. I went on to build another, and am currently working on another. If it wasn't for you SS, I doubt about a dozen, probably even more of us modders wouldn't be here. I'd still like to finish Pokemon MR, might take me a year or so, but I'll do it, because you've inspired me to. If it wasn't for you, many of the great guides and diagrams wouldn't be here for portablizing needs. I knew this day would come, I knew we wouldn't all grow up to be portablizers for the rest of our lives. People move on, and new people come in. I hope wherever you go in your life SS, you can inspire more people like you've inspired me, and the entire modding community.
I have loads of respect for you, brother.

When I got here about a year ago, the big thing going around was your building the of the TSF. Absolutely inspiring, and still to this day it's one of the baddest things I've ever seen.

I'm proud to have known you and everyone on this forum, no matter how small the relationships are.

I'll message you sometime.
Sad to see you go and good luck. I'll be watching you like a stalker on YT and BH!
I know I don't know you, like at all, but I like to think of myself as a creepy stalker who watches you from your backyard in a way. Jokes aside, you've inspired me, helped set my goal as an engineer, and made me crap my pants every time you found something new that no one had before. No matter where you go, I wish you good will. Peace off.
WTF why leave? I respect that you want to, but am too uninformed atm to know any reasoning. I'll call you tomorrow for details and flax. Gonna miss ya, bro.
SS, thank you so much for taking a huge part and for leading the way in portabalizing. You're one of the greatest portabalizers ever and a legend. WHY? 'CAUSE YOU'RE THE GOD DAMNED SHOCKSLAYER. Good luck with everything SS. <3.

- mymixed
This makes my insides hurt :(

I only wished I wasn't a lurker, so I could've gotten to know you properly.

I will forever woship the GOD DAMNED SHOCKSLAYER!