ModRetro Race to 2011

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Frequent Poster
Guess what time it is?
ModRetro Race to 2011!

Now you're probably saying "OH SWEET JESUS WHAT'S GOING ON!?"
And you're right to do so.

This is the ModRetro Race to 2011.
It is a donation drive, the goal of which is to raise the money to keep ModRetro afloat for all of 2011.
ALL the cash from this will go toward ModRetro, everything from hosting, to competitions, to site maintenance, this money benefits ModRetro, and the ModRetro Community (You).
It will run for the remainder of 2010, that is, from now until December 31st.

"Well that's all fine and nice, but why should I donate? I'll let all the other suckers handle this one."
Yeah? Well *Can'tSayThisOnTV* You. There's incentive.
When you donate, you will receive raffle tickets, 1 for each US Dollar you donate.
YOU ARE NOT PURCHASING THESE RAFFLE TICKETS! (As that would violate some PayPal sillyness)
You are DONATING to ModRetro, and we are crediting you with these raffle tickets as "Thank You" gifts.
(And no, we're not sending you physical tickets. We're handling that on our end.)

Prizes for the Raffle will be given out on Holidays!
Dates are as follows:
December 24th - Christmas Eve
December 25th - Christmas Day
December 31st - New Years Eve

Prizes will be revealed occasionally, up until the drawing.

You MUST include your username as a note within the PayPal Transaction!
When PayPal tells you to "Review Your Information", beneath your Shipping Address is a button that says "Note To Seller", click it, and type in your ModRetro Username!
If you do not do this, you CANNOT win anything!
On a side note, if you wish to donate without entering the raffle, well, that's how.

Reality Check:
If we cannot meet our donation goals, later prizes may have to be skipped.
It's just the reality of the matter.
We're trying to raise money here, and we can't afford to give ALL of it away.

Yeah. One of the prizes needs to be something with laser attached. (Such as a shark, disk drive, or a router.)

Everyone, just click on the Chip In button and it sends you to paypal.
Not too sure what happened to my backlit gameboy from this last year :neutral2:

Told Bibbin to make it, sell it and donate the monies to ModRetro as I'd just backlit my own gameboy. Did he ever do that Beta/SS?
Bibin made it, sold it, then got pissed at SS, took down all of his old guides and helpful posts through editing, was demoted, then purposely trolled to the point where a ban was needed.

Needless to say, the money was never put this way. MR is covered out of my pocket (We are not making any money), so just consider your prize to be my emptied wallet. :p
PalmerTech said:
then purposely trolled to the point where a ban was needed.
He was only banned for a month; he could come anytime he wanted to.
I chipped in for you with a :ninj: amount of :tophat:

(I really like these emoticons!)

*EDIT* I retracted my money because you are rude and take no respect for members on this site.
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