Modretro 64(Super Mario 64 Hack)


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have been thinking about doing this for a while and I finally decided to start it.
I can edit pretty much almost anything on it. So, If you want to be really anything in this(except bomb-ombs and the regular koopas) let me know.
Starting to work on it now.
It's first come first serve on spots in the game.
So let me know who you want to be and quickly.

List Of Characters

budnespid-All the trees


Kylechu-Stained Glass Window On The Front Of The Castle

S5114-Toad inside the castle

Mario(the admin)-Mario


NTerror7-King Bomb-Omb



Mako321-Star Door

eurddrue-!blocks(redgreen,yellow and blue

Crazy Inventor-Koopa the Quick

Majora1155-Potrait level and signs in that potrait.

Basement_Modder-Painting of the fire level in the basement



Spoleyo-whomp blocks
I am a trend setter. I make a modretro game, more are made. :3
Make me yoshi. I like yoshi. Oh, and if you can, change yoshi to a pony. :pony:
Okay,I will make you yoshi and I will try to make him look like Rainbowdash
and what do you want him to say exactly?
I want to replace the stained glass window picture of Peach on the front of the castle. Use my rank pic for it.
Mako, If you want I can make the Star Doors be Metriod Doors for you.
And S5114, what do you want to say?
Also, In the editing program I am using , I cannot find yoshi's textures. I will look harder for them Noah7.
Make Bowser and extreemly large version of SS :D. For Mario, just keep his texture. Then put as many portables as possible in each painting. TSF, ZNWii, FusionMicro, etc. AND then you should make my face all of the goombas. LINK. please.

- mymixed
Make Mario(as in, the admin) the main hero.

I want to be peach.

"Dear Mario, please come to the chatroom, I've baked cupcakes for you. Yours truly, SS"

Would it be possible to change Bob-Omb Battlefield's portrait into the Wind Fish egg from Link's Awakening (essentially my avatar), and subsequently make the giant cannonballs (including Big Bob-Omb's body) into eggs as well?
Alright,You Can be Peach and Mario will be Mario.

I'll Try To Make King Bomb-omb look like a egg from your avatar.

Alright I will do that except for the Shockslayer bowser thing.
But,All the paintings will be portables.

Also,Do you think for toastbucket I should make the 1up mushroom a peice of toast?
This will be awesome. Hackerbilly, make me say something like, "Here, have some lives. Oh and you should watch MLP: FIM. Ponies are awesome."
Noah7 said:
This will be awesome. Hackerbilly, make me say something like, "Here, have some lives. Oh and you should watch MLP: FIM. Ponies are awesome."

I do
I've been watching that show for a while.
Me and my friend's favorite ponies are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie

Also,wolborg,what do you want bowser to say because he says alot of things.
Let me tell you why you're wrong.