Modding the Gameboy pocket?

Mister Shuckle

Active Member
Okay, I had this idea (more like daydream) of having a custom painted, backlit Gameboy Pocket that was modded to play GBC games and had a matching flash cart. Now, can any of you tell me how much this might cost me? Or is it even possible? (GBC-ization is the only one not done yet.)

Also, I don't have ANY of the materials, and only have $10 to start with. Well, on second thought, I might have a GBA SP for the backlight if my mom didn't throw it out... I'll have to look for it.

Oh, and another thing, do they even make GBC flash carts?
Because I broke the screen when I accidentally sat on it.

And besides, even if it did work it's not because I need something to play the games on, it's that I want something unique. Isn't that what this site is all about? Putting work into some console to add your own personal twist to the formula? Boldly going where the original maker of the console has never gone before? :P
Mister Shuckle said:
Okay, I had this idea (more like daydream) of having a custom painted, backlit Gameboy Pocket that was modded to play GBC games and had a matching flash cart. Now, can any of you tell me how much this might cost me? Or is it even possible? (GBC-ization is the only one not done yet.)

Also, I don't have ANY of the materials, and only have $10 to start with. Well, on second thought, I might have a GBA SP for the backlight if my mom didn't throw it out... I'll have to look for it.

Oh, and another thing, do they even make GBC flash carts?

You can actually fit a GBC motherboard into the gameboy pocket case if you work reall hard at it, but the effort is not worth it.

You are looking at under $10 for paint, and if you have the SP, the backlight is free. A flashcart will run you about $40-50.
Thank you!~

I might hold back on the flash cart since it's a little pricey, but the paint shouldn't be a problem. I might just go ahead and use a GBC rather than a GBP since most Gameboy pockets on eBay are $30 buy it now price. Plus this way I can play Pokemon crystal without doing all of the soldering and squeezing it all into such a tiny case.

Might there be something worth using in a Gameboy Micro though? I know where I can get one of those for cheap and it looks as if it would be pretty easy to disassemble.
Oh. Ah well. :(

I apologize for my question, I really should research this kind of thing before asking so much, but it's such an interesting subject that I can't help but be curious. Again, I apologize.
Nah, no worries, not like there is much to research. 90% of all the gameboy pocket hacking information on the internet is made by me and Bibin. :P
Thank you!~ ^_^

I'm gonna try to get a GBC off of eBay within the next few months, this might take a while unless anyone's willing to trade their GBC or GBP for an original model GBA with a broken battery cover.
Hey. Guess what. You got so lucky. You came here.

I made guides on both how to backlight the Game Boy Pocket and also how to frontlight the Game Boy Color with GBASP parts. Links!
A while back I made guides on how front and backlight these units:

Game Boy Pocket (note: to get the backlight from an LCD, take a broken DS lite LCD and when you replace it with a brand new one keep the broken one for its light!)

Game Boy Color (technically a frontlight):
Thank you sir, I promise I'll put one of the two to good use!~

I think the pieces of this puzzle are falling into place, I found this girl who's willing to give me her GBC along with Pokemon Crystal and Pokemon Emerald (A little bonus so I can get Shuckle on my Fire Red.) in return for me Pandora Hacking her PSP.
Oh, awesome deal! I wish people around here knew what a gameboy color was :wtf: Just a fair warning, backlighting the pocket is much harder than frontlighting the color :wink:
Bibin said:
It looks so much better in the end, though.
He speaks the truth. Also, listen to anything Bibin tells you. He's a god when it comes to the Game Boy series.
im looking to do something similar...i want a frontlight GBC inside an original DMG gameboy case. Hoping someone around here is willing to do it, I have all parts available, just not the skills nor time.
So, I finally have my GameBoy!~

I technically got it a few months ago, and got a new case last week since the old one was scratched up, chewed up and had "Doyle" written on the game insert slot. Anyways, getting to the point, here's what I might have planned for it, depending on wether or not I can afford it.

-Frontlit (Purple lighting would be cool, but probably out of my price range) screen
-Purple LED to match the case (Would that one under that black square labeled COMM work?)
-Prosound mod? (I see this more commonly on original model Gameboy and thus far haven't seen one on the Color.)

OR the Blastoise edition GBC
-Blue casing
-Blue LED
-Blue buttons
-Prosound mod
-Custom Blastoise themed screen protector?
-Startup modified replacing coin sound with Blastoise's cry?

I dunno if some of it's even possible, but it'd be awesome if it came out right.