Mod Retro Census 2011 - MR Demographics!


No Stranger To Love
In an effort to learn more about the members here, as a forum, I think it'd be cool to have an unofficial general census, just to see what we are like. I'll make a template with pretty simple questions, so feel free to answer!

*symbolizes that if you do fill out the census, this question is optional.

*Real name?
Place and date of birth?
Where do you currently live?
What is your ethnic composition?
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they?
Currently attending Junior/High school?
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education?
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education?
Are you employed?
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so?
How do you feel about your weight?
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do?

Thank you for participating in the Mod Retro 2011 census.
*Real name? James M.
Age? 14.6
Place and date of birth? Bitburg, Germany, 11/13/96
Where do you currently live? Warrenton, Oregon, US
What is your ethnic composition? 1/4th Japanese, 3/4th Greek, Finnish, Scottish, Irish
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Back and forth between Atheism and Agnosticism
Currently attending Junior/High school? Yes
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Depends on who you ask, but about half will probably say yes.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? No
Are you employed? No
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? Probably about 24 hours a week. No regrets :p
How do you feel about your weight? I have a normal build.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? I play football, futbol, basketball, and track+field. I play Trombone, and participate in the flaxty Jazz Band to get out of class early.
I'd want to do this, but at the same time I do like my security.

Some of these questions remind me of security questions :p

What is your mother's maiden name?
What was the name of your first pet?
What is the name of your first school?
What is the name of your childhood best friend

Edit: Eh, what the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.
*Real name? Justin
Age? 19
Place and date of birth? Dallas. On Oct 16.
Where do you currently live? Near Houston.
What is your ethnic composition? 3/32 Choctaw or something similar, I think roughly the same Cherokee, a lot of Irish, some German, English...
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Deism
Currently attending Junior/High school? Naw, mayne
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Among my own crowd?
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? UNH, YEUH.
Are you employed? Not currently.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? A lot. But not really.
How do you feel about your weight? I'm overweight, but oh well. Workin' on it.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? I DID athletics in 8th and 9th, AcDec in 11th and 12th.
*Real name? Jesse Romero
Age? 17 years, 10 months.
Place and date of birth? Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 21st, 1993
Where do you currently live? Albuquerque, New Mexico
What is your ethnic composition? Spanish and German blood.

Currently attending Junior/High school? Nope, graduated. May 2011.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Quite, I knew quite literally everyone in my highschool (tiny school), I've many, many friends, IRL and online.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Will be a full-time college student starting in the Fall at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.
Are you employed? Yar! Work for a PR firm, *Can'tSayThisOnTV*in' Segaes and smokin' trees I'm a web developer, to put it simply.

How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Well, on the computer, a ridiculous amount. Without work, 6 hours a day easily. With work, 13+ hours.
Videogames? Actually, not much. I love videogames, but I'm FAR from a "gamer." 4+ hours a week.
Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? Nope.

How do you feel about your weight? I'm a fatass, but it's never bothered me. I'm better looking than pretty much ANYONE ELSE as fat as me. That, combined with my already high self-confidence from my being a smartass/having money/*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Segaes and smoking trees, makes me incredibly awesome for a fat guy.
That being said, I do intend to work off a significant chunk of my weight over the next few years, during collegte, simply for the sake of health, with both heart disease and diabetes running in my family.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? I dunno how to answer this really. Most of my free time is either at the computer, doing awesome flax, or out with friends, being awesome. That's uh, about it, don't know what else to say.
*Real name? Glenn Robert Morrow IV
Age? 29
Place and date of birth? Columbus, Ohio, December 23rd, 1981
Where do you currently live? Reynoldsburg, Ohio
What is your ethnic composition? Possibly as much as 1/4 Indian, and a whole bunch of other European countries thrown in.
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Blagh.
Currently attending Junior/High school? Nope
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Not really.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Yep.
Are you employed? Yep.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? About 10 hours a week, and no.
How do you feel about your weight? Good, I'm 6' or so and weigh 210. Not shabby.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? I do a whole bunch of work and school, and whatever electronic projects I can muster in between spending time with the wife and kids.
Would you guys mind adding your social security numbers and mother's maiden names? We're trying to make this list as complete as possible..

*Real name? Drue Daniel Nelson
Age? 16 years, 6 months
Place and date of birth? Williston, ND
Where do you currently live? Bainville, MT
What is your ethnic composition? Norwegian, Russian, German, Irish
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? I attend a Baptist church, but I have no *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing clue what to believe :neutral2:
Currently attending Junior/High school? Highschool.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Hard to explain. ~30 kids in highschool. Kinda popular.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? wat
Are you employed? Not currently, but I used to be kitchen help at an expensive hunting cabin d:
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? My mom Segaes so much that I don't really have a chance to stay on longer than I should. About 1-2 hours a day.
How do you feel about your weight? Been trying to gain weight for years.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Cross Country, Basketball, Business Professionals of America, FFA, Track, Football.
Let's Talk about Gregory Henderson
Greg is a 19 year old guy.
Mr. Henderson was born in Memphis, TN on the 10th of September in 1991
He currently resides in Memphis, TN; but aspires to be relocating within the year
Gregory is pink. Many people would call him white, but he is, in fact, closer to pink.
G. Henderson was raised as a Southern Baptist, however his personal beliefs have strayed from that in ways that can not be explained here.
The Henman graduated highschool in 2009.
Not many people liked him before then
That bum, Greg is stuck living at his parents house...
He flips burgers at McDonalds all day.
When he isn't flipping burgers, he is computering, mostly working to create a magical place on the web that is hidden from people he doesn't want to see it.
Greg needs to get fatter, as he makes his Girlfriend self conscious about her weight, in that they both weigh the same.
When Greg is with his Girlfriend, he manages to get quite the workout, often finding himself pouring with sweat. This is likely due to the humidity more than anything. He also makes the occasional video of himself singing on youtube.
*Real name? Jared Davis
Age? 17
Place and date of birth? Forrest Hills, NY, July 1st, 1993.
Where do you currently live? Merrick, NY.
What is your ethnic composition? Israeli, Russian and German
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Atheist.
Currently attending Junior/High school? Senior year of High School.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Among my group of friends and their friends, kind of. Some people don't like me but I stopped caring awhile ago.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? No.
Are you employed? Not currently.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? I dunno, most of my spare time. Yeah, I do, but it's how I talk to my friends.
How do you feel about your weight? I hate it. I'm underweight by the way, due to a fast metabolism I look like a Dang skeleton.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? No.
*Real name? Michael S.
Age? 14
Place and date of birth? Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, Jan 1st 1997
Where do you currently live? Markham, Ontario, Canada
What is your ethnic composition? Eurasian (I have DNA results from both sides of my family if you care, though :p)
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Catholic
Currently attending Junior/High school? 8th grade, which is still elementary school in my board
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? I have friends, nobody I know really hates me, so I guess I could say that.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? About to go to an IB high-school program.
Are you employed? Nope.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? No idea, yes.
How do you feel about your weight? Need to start jogging a bit more, but I'm fit.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Soccer, band, tutoring, German language class.
Thank you for participating in the Mod Retro 2011 census. You're welcome.
Real name? Samirah
Age? 16
Place and date of birth? Colorado, 11/02/94.
Where do you currently live? Wheat Ridge CO
What is your ethnic composition? Im white, beyond that, I dunno. Not sure if I ever met my real father, so its hard to say. Arab, and probably Italian, if I had to guess though.
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Christian/deist
Currently attending Junior/High school? Yes
Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? No
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Kinda. My CAD class is a college course, as is my Compsci course. They are at my highschool though
Are you employed? Not steadily, but I always have cash
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? ~5 hours per day; no
How do you feel about your weight? Im a skinny thing. Fine with that.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Nope.
*Real name? Chris
Age? 16
What is your ethnic composition? Half-Japanese, other half white
Currently attending Junior/High school? Yup.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Not really, no.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? No.
Are you employed? Nope.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? Sometimes a lot, right now I'm too busy, so not as much as I would like.
How do you feel about your weight? Eh, I'm too lazy to lose weight. I can still see my feet, so it's all good.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Robotics club at school, where I sit there and do my own electronics stuff. Did win a gold in electronics at regionals though, going to provincials. I play the piano, sort of.
*Real name? :stare:
Age? :stare:
Place and date of birth? :stare:
Where do you currently live? :stare:
What is your ethnic composition? :stare:
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? :stare:
Currently attending Junior/High school? :stare:
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? :stare:
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? :stare:
Are you employed? :stare:
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? :stare:
How do you feel about your weight? :stare:
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? :banstick:
Age? 20
Place and date of birth? Idaho, April 5, 1991
Where do you currently live? Monterey, CA
What is your ethnic composition? Mostly English with other European countries thrown in, a little Native American
Currently attending Junior/High school? Nope
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Not really popular, but generally well liked.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Pretty much.
Are you employed? Yes
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? A couple hours a night during the week, 6+ a day on the weekend. Only a couple hours a week playing games.
How do you feel about your weight? Fine with it. 5'4" 135lbs
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Nope.
*Real name? Oats
*Place and date of birth?
*Where do you currently live?
What is your ethnic composition? Pretty White
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Atheist
Currently attending Junior/High school? Yes.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? If I understand correctly, no.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? No.
Are you employed? Yes, 14 hours a week.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? I'll play random amounts a day. Sometimes 0, sometimes ALOT.
How do you feel about your weight? Fine.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? I don't.
Age? 16
Place and date of birth? Texas, 95'
Where do you currently live? AL (sigh)
What is your ethnic composition? Linking white : German/Danish
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Bush believes in science
Currently attending Junior/High school? HS
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? yes, but I don't associate with assholes.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? no
Are you employed? no
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? It varies; but overall, a lot. There is no such thing as too much time playing games.
How do you feel about your weight? If anything, I'm too skinny
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Some running and biking, camping, guitar
Real name? Niall Wilson
Age? 19
Place and date of birth? 13/08/1991, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Where do you currently live? Above Location
What is your ethnic composition? England, Welsh & Irish
Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Agnostic
Currently attending Junior/High school? Nope
Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Yup
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Nope, Finished
Are you employed? Nope
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Not alot these days
Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? Nope
How do you feel about your weight? Hate it
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Songwriting, Scriptwriting, Soon to start Painting, Photography and other artistic things.
J.D said:
*Real name? Nick Elsmore
Age? 16
Place and date of birth? San Diego August '94
Where do you currently live? Novato, CA
What is your ethnic composition? Britfag
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Nope!
Currently attending Junior/High school? Junior in High School
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? I assume secondary education is HS, so yes.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Hopefully will be soon.
Are you employed? Paperroutes :/ Only deliver once a week though, and $200 a month for about an hour and a half of work each week isn't too bad.
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so?
How do you feel about your weight?
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Sometimes. Not atm. I'm usually in my school's robotics club, the sound designer/board runner for the school musical (Which according to the director and the professional A/V guy that comes and records our shows as well as multiple audience members was the best sounding show ever done by my school. Not to sound arrogant, but I'm quite proud of that :p), and water polo for my school's team. Varsity.

Thank you for participating in the Mod Retro 2011 census. K
*Real name? Joao
Age? 24
Place and date of birth? Peniche, Portugal
Where do you currently live? Peniche, Portugal
What is your ethnic composition? Portuguese, white????
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? Agnostic
Currently attending Junior/High school? No
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Enough
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? No
Are you employed? Yes
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? At the moment, little time, spent a lot in past.
How do you feel about your weight? need to loose about 5 or 10 kilos...
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Sometimes Rollerblades
Age - 18 (basically, my birthday is TOMORROW :ssawesome: )
Place and date of birth - Goose Creek, SC. April 15th, 1993
Currently residence - My house. Occasionally spend a night or two in the Tower of Power.
Ethnic composition - White. I think I may have some Irish/German blood.
Religions beliefs - All of them. Every religion has something to offer that improves quality of life.
Currently attending High school, Senior for about another month.
I am popular, and well liked. I build portables, shoot flames, and have been told often that I am funny.
Not currently attending higher post-secondary education. Yet.
Not employed. I don't really think occasionally commissions count.
Time spent on the computer/playing video games - less than I used to, steadily decreasing as I age. Most time on the computer is about an hour or two per day, VG only when I get the rare chance. More time modding and working on stuff than anything else.
Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? Nope. Improves quality of life.
How do you feel about your weight? People don't believe that I'm about 200 pounds. So, good.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? I'm in the play, and photographer for the newspaper.

You're welcome.
*Real name? Michael Craig Smith. Alias Christofer Kalafarski.
Age? 16
Place and date of birth? California. 6/2/94
Where do you currently live? flaxtysmalltown, Illinois.
What is your ethnic composition? White, son.
*Do you have religions beliefs? If so, what are they? If there is a god, he's lost my faith.
Currently attending Junior/High school? High school. Headed into senior year.
*Are you/were you popular/well liked during secondary education? Not popular. But I'm that kid that everyone gets along real well with, and likes to hang out with.
Are you currently attending higher post-secondary education? Headed to Academy of Art University after senior year.
Are you employed? I work at a pizza place ::3:
How much time do you spend on the computer/playing video games? Do you feel like you spend too much time doing so? I've logged 35 hours on Pokemon red in the last week. But no, I also have a girlfriend and somehow manage to spend more time with her than pokemon.
How do you feel about your weight? I would love to be skinny as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* so I could be a proper hipster. Unfortunately, I'm just average.
Do you engage or participate sports/after school/music activities? If so, what do you do? Scholar Bowl, Tennis, in a band that's actually going somewhere, make chitpune, play music at church, etc.