Metroid other M sales figures


Frequent Poster

tl;dr - Metroid Other M has suffered low sales due to being an unpopular game. Other M was advertised heavily, had a big production team, but is still experiencing major suckage.

This is GREAT news for me personally as I wasn't thrilled with the design of Other M (although I haven't actually played the game).

10th lowest sales of ALL metroid games. Now that almost guarantees Nintendo pulling the plug on this style of gaming. Hears to hoping they go back to a more traditional metroid style.

According to, Nintendo will probably continue with the "hints" system in recent Metroid games, but will tone it down on the "talkative Samus." Let's hope she says little more than her famous words from SM.

One of my friends bought it and he let me and a ton of people borrow it from him. MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?

I actually really liked Other M, and the cut scenes weren't that bad.
Bino Gas said:
I actually really liked Other M, and the cut scenes weren't that bad.


Also, considering Metroid Fusion has been out since 2002 and has sold 1.55 million, I'm not too worried. Not to mention that Super Metroid, arguably the best in the series, has been out since '94 and only has 1.42 million in sales. Heck, the sales for Super Metroid were partly why Nintendo put the series on hold until Prime/Fusion. If this isn't enough, look at the first 10 week totals for the different Metroid games and compare them to Other M; its actually doing quite well if the numbers are correct. It's quite obvious that the article writer has a notable bias that caused him to make a hasty statement without doing much research, people will believe what they want to believe I suppose.
We still like Other M, but there are a lot of people who skipped purchasing it because of the mix of reviews.

I don't think they are biased. And they have been around for 14 years so I don't think they would make hasty comments. Other M is doing pretty well world wide (due to high Japanese sales IIR), but not as great in the Americas (about 150,000 less than where MP3 was at in week 8, according to
Actually, most of the sales are from the Americas, and compared to Prime 3's sales at week 8, the difference is more like 72,201 by my calculations (440,525 - 368,324). Considering the Wii market's current state, I would say its doing quite well.

Also, just because they "say" they like it, doesn't mean the article wasn't written hastily. Obviously, they didn't do enough research because when you look at the numbers yourself, you can clearly see its nothing like the article makes it out to be. On the contrary, its doing well and the sales don't "guarantee" Nintendo won't make another similar styled Metroid game (although personally I don't think they will, for other reasons).

Oh, and EVERYONE is biased, the key is doing the proper research on all sides to make it as fair as possible, something I honestly don't think they did. They're trying to make it seem like a big deal, when it really isn't.
I honestly couldn't care less. The old games were okay but I haven't been too impressed with the 3D titles. It seems like Nintendo is trying too hard to not make My First FPS. (Seriously, can't move in FPS mode? Can't aim properly in third person? :wtf: