

Billy Mays
Staff member
The staff has rethought our megasticky process, and have come up with the following decision.

Due to the large number of projects being completed that are not necessarily sticky-worthy, we've decided to stickify only those that truly deserve it. This is not to say that one project looks, is, or could possibly be better than another, but some of the contributing factors that could help your newly completed project make it into a megasticky:

Amount of labor/time spent on project. If your project was done in a day, or could have been done in a day, then it needs to go into the afternoon projects thread. An example of this type of project would be this, my PS3 controller mod. Though the worklog is several months old, it's something that could be done in a day, but since I don't have a whole lot of free time, it takes a while.

Epicness. An xbox360 laptop done in a day qualifies for sticky.

:awesome: -ness. Ishmael's painted Gameboys, though possibly done in a day, are an example of this.

A large part of the reason for this change is the fact that the finished projects section is basically one large megasticky in of itself. Those projects listed in the megasticky should be reserved for projects that seriously contribute to their respective category, and a large part of the mods being added recently do not necessarily fit that description, even if they are great mods in of themselves.


- Da Managizzles.
mako321 said:
I don't, it'll make things harder to find. I really like megastickies.

The megastickies are not going anywhere. They're just going to be less clogged now.
I don't like this. Makes things a lot harder to find. Clogged or not, I would prefer a list of everything. Maybe a second post in the megasticky with less notable mods could solve this conundrum?
More specifically, what would you need to find that wouldn't be already found in the megasticky with all the relevant projects, or a search of the completed projects section?
What's the point of listing everything in a topic, when if you really want to find something, look through the actual topics instead of 1 forum post. It's basically a list in itself.
It's exactly BECAUSE it's just one post to look through. All the projects are in one place and not buried underneath other topics.
Not trying to be critical, but often times things were being stickied wayyy after being posted in finished projects or not at all. Its almost like enacting this change really wont accomplish much because of the non-thorough stickying in the past.