Meet the DSi LL folks


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The rumors are true. Today, at Nintendo's press event in Tokyo, the company announced a revised version of the Nintendo DS.

Dubbed the Nintendo DSi LL, the new portable will feature a 4.2 inch screen. Priced at ¥20,000 (US$220) the DSi LL will be released on November 21. The "LL" refers to the extra large size.

The redesign comes at the request of customers who said they wanted a larger screen, and the screen is a 93 percent increase over the DS Lite's screen size. The DSi LL is geared for those who want to use their Nintendo handheld for internet and as a music player as the larger screen is able to displayer letters and characters in a bigger font.

The DSi LL is bundled with a longer touch pen (129.3mm), and comes will three DSiWare titles pre-installed: Two brain training games (one for humanities, the other for sciences) and DS Easy Dictionary. Releasing in three colors, the DSi LL will be available in Dark Brown, Wine Red and Natural White.
Source: Kotaku

Wow.... it been less than a week since the rumors about this thing started flying around. So there you have, in less than a month. Japan is getting a version of the DSi with 4.2inch screens.

I don't know what to think of this at the moment. On one hand I think it's cool and just enough to make me think about getting the DSi. (If Nintendo brings it to the states too.) But on the other hand, I see it as another unneeded DS version.

Whats your guys thoughts?

(Updated thread with more info that was added to the kotaku post)

(and yes this is a repost from benheck)
I want it so Dang bad.

...Damnit, my DSi is worth less now. Even though Ninty stil has it.
Here's my opinion on it. Nintendo has too many variants of the same bloody thing. The DS Lite could be considered a redesign of the original, and you can get away with ONE of those usually. The DSi wasn't such a good idea. It's not a new console but it's not really a DS either. It has gimmicks but no killer exclusive games or compelling features. It is upgraded somewhat but is not a new console. The DSi LL is just plain stupid. Less than a year after the DSi they plan on releasing a new one, with bigger screens and probably only bigger screens. You'll probably have to buy all new accessories for this one too. Also, it looks horribly disproportionate. Why not put a big, high-res widescreen on top and leave the bottom as-is?

In my opinion Nintendo has been going down the tubes ever since the N64. Instead of focusing on gaming they seem to be trying to bring in more gimmicky features and sell them as new. And there are people who buy it.
Bigger , higher res screens are always better IMO. One reason why I never had a DS is the small screens. Getting old is terrible. LOL
XCVG said:
Why not put a big, high-res widescreen on top and leave the bottom as-is?

In my opinion Nintendo has been going down the tubes ever since the N64. Instead of focusing on gaming they seem to be trying to bring in more gimmicky features and sell them as new. And there are people who buy it.

1. Because if they did, it would be a different resolution than the other DS, and would have a small image with border, much like GBA mode on the DS Lite. A lot of DS games rely on both screens being the same size and position for them to work. If they had done this, you would be complaing that the new games made for the higher res screen would not work on the old DS consoles.

And this thing is focused at OLD PEOPLE! It has big screens, a huge stylus, and comes with two free brain training games. Other than that, it brings nothing new to the table.

Also, what about the gamecube? There were no gimmicks at all with it, and Nintendo made a TON of really good first party titles. Same with the GBA.
To clarify, I said Nintendo started downhill after the N64. They didn't start the worthless gimmick crap until this generation. The GC was okay, and had it's moments, but overall it was pretty mediocre. The GBA was pretty good though, you're right there.