Lipo protection ciruit for use with Gameboy Color?


Just wondering, I think it's a great idea to use a lipo to power a gameboy, but I would hate to use a GBA SP to charge it. Can I just use a run of the mill 3.7v protection pcb like this one? ... limit.aspx

Then I could cram an 18650 or a flat lipo cell in there to get a good amount of play time. I would really like to try this.

Also, I could include a solar charger on the back like this: ... 72&start=0

Then it could be frontlit, like in Bibin's guide. It would be absolute awesome. Unlimited Mario. Unlimited Dragon Warrior. UNLIMITED POKEMON. I could be entertained forever on a stranded island. (Till the save batteries die. :gonk: )
zeturi said:
Just wondering, I think it's a great idea to use a lipo to power a gameboy, but I would hate to use a GBA SP to charge it. Can I just use a run of the mill 3.7v protection pcb like this one? ... limit.aspx

Then I could cram an 18650 or a flat lipo cell in there to get a good amount of play time. I would really like to try this.

Also, I could include a solar charger on the back like this: ... 72&start=0

Then it could be frontlit, like in Bibin's guide. It would be absolute awesome. Unlimited Mario. Unlimited Dragon Warrior. UNLIMITED POKEMON. I could be entertained forever on a stranded island. (Till the save batteries die. :gonk: )
I like your taste in games.

Oh, and good luck cramming a battery in there. Or did you find a small one? If so, post a link to it please.
Good luck and post results!

Edit: Overclock it too! Grinding for a PoL solo run in DQII or in Pokemon takes a while. ;)
I just measured my GBP and I figure that that battery would fit, but it would be really tight even with a lot of cutting and trimming. I think I might steal this project idea!

EDIT: I just measured a GBC and found that you could fit almost two of those batteries in it! The GBP is another idea though. :)
Nah, I'd specifically do a color because it has more compatibility. I think I will begin this as a project, too. Time to start ordering supplies...
I don't mean to steal this thread from Zeturi, but since I'm also interested in this mod, I figure it can't hurt. I'm trying to understand the relevance of that part you linked, Palmer. I assume it's used like this: ... ts/sys.jpg

Am I correct in assuming that the red part is used just to use the GBC charge jack for charging?

EDIT to conserve my 100th post: Nice. I'll try to order this stuff soon. Any idea where I can get a GBC charger cheaper than this one? I could go to ebay, but I prefer not bidding on things. :)
I don't care, have a field day. I'd like to do this sometime, but it's really just idea theft from three different people. :lol: Good luck with it!
You got it JewJo, just like that. It is basically a li-po smart charger like the ones on batteryspace, but for one cell, and very small.
Nice, the battery just came in the mail even though I ordered it a week before the other parts, which arrived days ago. Better late than never. I have a lot of homework tonight, but the mod is tempting me. And tomorrow is the LOST s6 premier, so I won't be doing much then either. Oh well, expect results within the week at least. :lol:

EDIT: So I was wiring it up all nice and well, testing it every step of the way. I had just wired the battery to the protection circuit, and was bending the wires connecting the two back a little. After bending them, I tested the P+ and P-, but I got 0v. Testing from the B+ and B-, I got the 3.7v, and B- to P+ got 3.7v too. It's just P- that's broken. WTF? Why does this always happen to me? It's happened twice before to me on my N64 batteries (two 3.7 li-pos). >:( >:( >:( :cry4:
Hailrazer, I can't thank you enough for that tip. It not only saved me on this mod, but will save me on my N64 and/or 2600 portable. Whichever comes first. :D I think this mod will level me up thanks to that tip.

In related news, I wired up the GBC and it works! I ran into a little trouble when I accidentally removed a 1μf capacitor (I think) from the red charger thing, but it still runs. I haven't tried it while charging it because I'm too scared to test it, and I haven't wired up the front-light yet, but I'm sure it will all work when I'm done. Currently, I'd be done with the mod, but my dremel ran out of power, so I'm charging it right now. I'll probably finish the mod tomorrow, as I only have 2 hours left tonight. I'm excited!