kirby nightmare in dreamland contest.


Frequent Poster
At 6pm eastern time Joey,janitorsson and,I are going to start a race to see who can finish the fastest.
Anyone can join.
Rules are:
Must be recorded and uploaded(megavideo can hold the whole video.) then post the link here.
No cheats,hacks or glitches.

We will be doing this every weekend hopefully.
the games will be differently weekly though :P
for today the first one to reach 95% on kirby wins.
any ideas for the next game?
Next game should be POKEMAN SILVAH!

Then again that would be boring. How about Bonk's Adventure for the Turbografx?
Pokémon Battle Revolution!

I say Zelda: Minish Cap.

Also, are these for 100% completes? Joey said the Kirby one was or 95%, but is that the % you get after beating the final boss, or is that just a random thing?
Most of the time you'll have to just complete the game.
In Kirby NiDL it tells you the percent of completion and, 95% is really hard that's finding almost every hidden room,beat most mini games in first place and beat the game.