June 1st Updates


Frequent Poster
Hey all, in case you didn't notice...

It's June 1st.
What's the significance?
Well, I'm sure Palmer will give a nice, big explanation of that.
(It's ModRetro's Birthday)

Now, in recognition, some stuff's happening today!

Haven't seen it? Click Here!
What, a little dull?
Well let's keep it simple, shall we?
The front page wasn't used!
In fact, by our stats, only about 20% of the userbase even visits the frontpage, seriously!
So screw it, let's make it nice a simple.

DOS) In case you didn't see the GIGANTIC LINK on the homepage that led you to it...
We now have a store.
You know, the ModRetro store we've been talking about...
You know, the one we've wanted since, what, last June or so.... Yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh...
And it'll be under active development for the coming weeks.
All the work will happen in-place, so you can see progress as it happens!
Expect to buy your first ModRetro branded pill bottles by the end of this week! (And you think I'm kidding.) I am

We've gone ahead and done the Forum 47 split we've promised!
Forum 47 is now for GENERAL DISCUSSION, as in, you know, Discussion.
Spamalot, our new board, is for, well, Spam!
Post whatever you want, talk about whatever, it doesn't matter!
Just follow the rules kiddos.

QUATTRO) K-k-k-karma.
A simple reputation system, wherein people can affect a "Karma" rating of others.
Let's say, UserABC makes a post, "This mod is stupid, you should feel bad."
Obviously, that's a dick thing to say.
So, you can click the little button, currently
, and his Karma goes down.
Another person, say, UserDEF, makes a post, "Check out my new N64 Portable. It's small enough to swallow!"
We can be all like, "Oh flax dat's cool!"
So, you click the
button, and his Karma increases.
As for the buttons, well, they can actually be customized.
We may change them in the future, but for now, we got
, can't complain about that.
This is, for now, a bit of a "trial".
So long as all goes well, it'll be around for good.
Y'all don't like it, lots of complaints, etc, we may do away with it.
For the most part, this is simply for entertainment.
But it also serves a purpose in that it gives users a superficial reason to not be rude.

Just so you know!
1)Everyone has equal power, no matter who clicks the button, it's only worth 1 karma "point".
2)You may not affect the same person's Karma more than once per hour! This prevents Karma spamming.
3) You cannot affect others Karma before you reach 25 posts!

Have a happy June 1st everyone.

It's a Tuesday.
So I may be stupid, but I can't seem to find the buttons on some posts. Granted, I haven't looked for them on all the forums or anything, but I didn't see them on Finished Projects or Spamalot.

Also, how come some member's karma levels are already -1 or 1 or 0? Shouldn't we all be at 0 unless someone has up/downvoted us? I can't imagine we've had a lot of that going on in the past 7 minutes. :confused:

EDIT: I guess there has been a bit of that. A few things:

Is there a limit on how much you can vote/be voted on? And it seems that you can only vote if your karma is 0 or higher.
Jidan said:
So I may be stupid, but I can't seem to find the buttons on some posts. Granted, I haven't looked for them on all the forums or anything, but I didn't see them on Finished Projects or Spamalot.

Also, how come some member's karma levels are already -1 or 1 or 0? Shouldn't we all be at 0 unless someone has up/downvoted us? I can't imagine we've had a lot of that going on in the past 7 minutes. :confused:

EDIT: I guess there has been a bit of that. A few things:

Is there a limit on how much you can vote/be voted on? And it seems that you can only vote if your karma is 0 or higher.
If you've already voted on a post, the button will go away.

Karma starts at 0! If it ain't 0, you've been karma'd.

You can vote regardless of your Karma.
jleemero said:
You can vote regardless of your Karma.

Are you sure? I couldn't vote when I was at -1, but when I got to 0 I could vote. Hadn't voted on anything before that.
Yeah, karma normally doesn't let you vote when you're at negatives.(at least it does on other sites that run on vbulletin)
Two comments:

1) Karma is kinda neat, but not especially useful. That said, there's a lot of stuff on the board that is. I say keep it for now.
2) We need a shop button on the forums, with the chat preferably.
As I said before, you can Karma even if you're in the negatives.
It's the way I have it set up.

Technically, you can't if your Karma is -1000 or lower.
But if it hits that low, I'd probably ban you anyway.
I don't like karma, Had it on the old forums I was on. :confused:
Reason 1:ALOT but not all People just give away good rep for fun.
Reason 2: Jealous people will lower the rep of people with high rep.

I hope it works out here though.
Well that's the problem he hasn't even commented today so he shouldn't earn low rep.
Not saying he doesn't deserve it because for the most part he does but he can be helpful(rarely).
Why does it give you three notifications when you add or subtract karma? That's really annoying. In fact, for me that alone is a reason not to use it.
i think i only get one. *raises XCVG's karma to find out*

i get a "are you sure, y/n" and then a "hey, it worked!"

kinda annoying.