Ishmael's Gameboy Emporium


Well-Known Member
Hello guys, I decided to finally make one of these. If any of you want a custom painted/modded gameboy, you can PM me with your ideas, I will get a preliminary (digital) sketch up of the case, if you like it I can get it painted, throw whatever mods you want in it, and sell it to you. In other words I am taking comissions. I can get whatever color of paint you want, and throw a clear coat on it after all the colors are as desired. I can do a number of mods and you can see my previous work in the Handhelds megasticky. I am currently working on three gameboys at the moment: My "secret gameboy", dmcnelly's "savedbythebellboy", and working on design for budnespid's MGB. If you want something done PM me and we can get things rolling. I finish projects in a timely manner with regard to my IRL endeavors and ship it promptly. Other than that have a good day. :D
Bump. I have a big opening to take commissions. Spring break is coming up and I'll have some time if anyone wants a custom done. I'm working on a commission for someone in Poland, and Bud's case which shouldn't take long. So let me know if anyone wants a Gameboy.

The Whale