Is this correct for relocating the power switch?

So I'm wanting to use ShockSlayer's power switch at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9167 so figured I would have to set the normal power switch's location to be constantly "on". I haven't hooked the board up to power yet because I was unsure if this was correct:

(Bottom right of the board)

(As always, sorry about the quality, my phone's camera is broken so this is the best it can do.)
Seems good, you have to connect 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 so it seems perfect. When the original switch is "off", there are 4 little metal pieces laying over pins: 1-empty, 3-empty, 5-empty, 7-empty, so when you put it "on" and move it foward it connects the pins like you did.
Normal :p I used to be nervous when i did my first one but then I got a pack of 30+ n64 just missing jumper pak for free, so now I don't really care anymore haha