Is rumble pack a good idea? plus battery questions


Currently i am making a portable gamecube in hopes of selling it and i was wondering if the rumble pack is a good idea to include or would it drain the battery fast, or if it would be annoying because the screen might shake.

also i was hoping to use 2 a batteries like this

for kicks i am hoping to either use or for the screen

heres a picture of my case just for fun :p

yes i know lots of sanding in my future
Those batteries are terrible. Get lithium batteries.

That screen is terrible. Use an official PSOne screen.
Rumble pack is not an awful idea because of battery life, but it is an awful idea because it's going to be shaking around all the crap on the inside of your portable.
The LCD is 5", but will take up a lot more space on the inside than just the panel itself.
I'm pretty much basing that on the fact that with his level of experience, attempting that would be a pretty awful idea.
Maybe you should consider one of the 3.5" car screens that some of us use? They are pretty small but a nice size for playing. Just search ebay for 3.5" TFT LCD.

Also, that battery is terrible. I've never built a GCp so I won't try to suggest anything specific. However, you probably want a 3-cell lithium pack with protection circuit. Lastly, rumble is generally a bad idea, especially with the questionable construction techniques most of us use.
From my own experience, rumble is a bad idea. I've had situations where the battery was semi-low, and the rumble would then trigger a shortage in power that restarted the system. It took me forever to figure out the cause (especially since it didn't occur on a fully charged battery) and in the end I figured it out. Removing the rumble motor solved the problem (after I rewired everything about 50 times over and checked everything for shorts)

A smaller motor would probably prevent this, but the rumble strength would be so minimal that it's probably not worth including in the first place. An LED, whilst it would be better, can get annoying if you just have it blinking in someones face. What I did on another portable was I had what was basically an illumination bar down either side of the screen that flashed red (powered by 2 red LEDs in series, shining through 2 perspex inserts that I cut and fitted besides the screen) It gave the player the visual heads up they needed and in fps games was a good indicator that you were under fire. It was a nice effect and works very well with PSone screens due to their slim edges by the screen.