Is my PCB defective?

1. After testing the batteries on the PCB with my multi meter. It seems my batteries wont give off atleast 7.4v when connecting to P+ and P-. Instead I have to wire it like one of the two choices that doesn't have an X on. Is that okay or is there a problem with my PCB?
Re: Questions that I have.

Pcb might just need to be reset.

Hook the batteries up right (the first pic). Hook up the charger and turn it on. That will reset the pcb.
Okay it just went back to no volts according to multimeter. Would it work once everything is wired up or is there a problem?
Wait, wait, how do you have it wired? The first one, the one you X'd out, is the correct way to wire it. Any other way might damage your batteries or protection board.
If it goes back to 0 volts when you hook i up to the portable, then you have a problem somewhere with the wiring of the portable.