Iphone 4 or Captivate?


sweet justice
I'm on At&t, and I'm now eligible for an upgrade. Price isn't really a factor here, as my dad can get free phones through his company's agreement. What i need are some opinions over which to get, and which unit would be more suited to what kind of person. I'm familiar with iOS, but I feel like I would like android as well. Thanks, oh and please don't list the iphone's antenna as a disadvantage.
iPhone 4. I would say Android over Apple any day, but functionally, I think the iPhone trumps the Captivate.
iPhone has better resolution, better aesthetics (although I suppose that's just preference), iPhone is less bulky, the iPhone's keyboard is easier to use (I have tried both). Other differences are even more minor, negligible even. They're both great phones, so I guess it's a matter of personal preference... I would take an hour or so to try playing with both at the store, if you can.

Also, the iPhone records HD video at 1 frame per second faster than the captivate ;)
Rather than looks and screen res, I'm more concerened with OS, apps, and performance; can you shed any light on that?
Like I said, everything else, both are very comparable. Android seems to be easier to get free apps on, but for cheap you can jailbreak your iPhone. I personally enjoy iPhone games more, but most developers are using Corona SDK now, which allows you to easily build your game to both iPhone and Android versions.

Again, a matter of opinion... I, overall, find the iPhone sexier, smoother, and more fun software and game-wise.
Ampersand said:
the iPhone's keyboard is easier to use (I have tried both)
Compared to which Android keyboard? I'm sure you could find one that works better for you than the iPhone's.
The Captivate is much more customizable out of the box, plus you can root it. I have a Fascinate (Verizon's version of the Captivate), I am happy with it. The only issue I know of for the Captivate is the GPS doesn't lock fast, but I don't know if the is/will be a fix. And I think AT&T does something with the market so you can't download anything not from the market, not sure how hard it is to get around. And it has hardware buttons, so it doesn't have to waste as much screen space for buttons.
I would get the Captivate, but I would still recommend trying both to see which fits you best.
As an owner of an iPhone 4, I can honestly say theres not much wrong with it. However for someone that likes to mess around and tweak stuff, it can get boring when you are running vanilla official firmware. (No jailbreak for my firmware yet.)

If you really like the idea of Android, well you should definitely wait for the Motorola Atrix which is turning out to be a real knock out. If only I wasn't on contract...

vskid3, I meant the Captivate's, since that's the two that we are comparing. I have used Android keyboards far better than the iPhone's, but I did not think the Captivate's keyboard could compete with the iPhone's.
donhonk said:
As an owner of an iPhone 4, I can honestly say theres not much wrong with it. However for someone that likes to mess around and tweak stuff, it can get boring when you are running vanilla official firmware. (No jailbreak for my firmware yet.)

If you really like the idea of Android, well you should definitely wait for the Motorola Atrix which is turning out to be a real knock out. If only I wasn't on contract...

Holy crap that looks awesome. Any ideas on price?
It wasn't announced that long ago, so pricing and release date aren't public knowledge yet. I'm going to assume that it will be 299, if not more, considering that this is going to be ATT's big flagship Android phone.
Ampersand said:
vskid3, I meant the Captivate's, since that's the two that we are comparing. I have used Android keyboards far better than the iPhone's, but I did not think the Captivate's keyboard could compete with the iPhone's.

What? You can easily change the keyboard on the Captivate to whatever you want. Pretty sure that's what vskid was talking about.

Anyway, Afro has a Captivate, so I would ask him if you can.