In need of Twilight Princess (GC version) and revision C mob


Frequent Poster
I need the following items:

- Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube version)
- Beyond Good and Evil (Gamecube version)
- Rev C (DOL-101) Motherboard NO LONGER NEEDED
- any small GC controller (if you know of any rare 3rd party GC controllers that are small beyond belief, I would be willing to pay up to 50 for it depending on the size)

Prices are negotiable (PM me or post below). The last request is silly but ya never know with the Japanese :wink:

I don't have much...
- 2 things of epoxy (5" tube and about 1.2" diameter each)
- rare prototype dual shaving blade :roll:
- some GC disc drives just sitting around
- Rev A gamecube mobo (it works 100%)
- tiny plug-in speakers (3.5" and about 1" diameter-its small)
- desoldering pump

Keep in mind I always have Ebay is my fallback, so be generous :cool:
i got a rev c board with all ports removed, it's just missing a 270uf cap, can't test it right now but it won't boot without that cap for some reason.. so if you have a spare/broken rev c board it shouldn't be too hard to replace it?
Joeyjoe9876 said:
i got a rev c board with all ports removed, it's just missing a 270uf cap, can't test it right now but it won't boot without that cap for some reason.. so if you have a spare/broken rev c board it shouldn't be too hard to replace it?

Yep, I have several laying around that I could use :wink:

I'll PM you.