I'm looking to buy...

If you provide the parts, I think Zenloc might be able to. Most sell at the $600/800 mark.
For only $400 a GCp is a ripoff for the seller, unless it's REALLY flaxty. If you've got $400, I'd recommend looking for a good N64p/
$400 is not really a pricemark for a 'good' n64p. $400 will get you something that looks ok and works good, or something that looks good and works good but is not really top of the line based on size/etc.
snowpenguin said:
$400 is not really a pricemark for a 'good' n64p. $400 will get you something that looks ok and works good, or something that looks good and works good but is not really top of the line based on size/etc.
Right, that's what I meant. I didn't mean great, like the Darth64 or the Starlight64, but decent, more like one of SS's portables.