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No Stranger To Love
Is saying someone's music sucks just because you don't like it or because a lot of people like it very mature? Is saying a game sucks because you and others don't make you an elite "Flamboyant Homosexual"?

It seems like every time I log into chat, y'know, we talk about music a lot. But a lot of it is "You're ignorant because you like that music" or "you're a hard head because you don't like my music" etc etc etc. What are we, 2nd grade children during recess? Grow up, guys. You say you like a band or genre of music without sounding like an elitist. If someone likes a certain type of music, so be it. If they're a minority of an opinion, you don't need to beat down on them. You can state your opinion without flaxting on someone else's opinion. If you truly believe that someone is stupid for their opinion on music or a game, then you are ignorant.
If you want to persuade someone to try not to pass judgment so easily, you can do it without being an elitist or super persistent. Not everyone is going to think like you, so don't expect it. We're all different.

We can all learn from this, myself included. Thoughts?
You could have just said my name.
It's obvious this is about me, so just say it.

And for your information, I was trying to help you expand in to different genres.
You just downright dismissed everything I said.

Who's the elitist now?
AfroLH said:
You could have just said my name.
It's obvious this is about me, so just say it.
No reason to be hiding anything. This is directed towards you, Kickback, JD, and other people which I forget who said what. I thought about making this article later, but your comments toward OoT prompted me to make this thread.
You're not ignorant because you like something, you're a closed-minded prick because you dismiss a whole genre without even giving it a fair chance.
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