I won a Windows 7 house party package!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Remember that Windows 7 house party sweepstakes, where some people would win a prize pack full of neat stuff, including copies of Windows 7: Signature Ultimate Edition, signed by microsoft execs? Well, I won. :mrgreen:

"Congratulations... You are a Windows® 7 Launch Party host!"

I looked in the rules, there are no rules about if the selection is random or not. TBH, I suspect I got picked because I said I would have a beach party in the survey, and I live right on the beach. :lol:

Anybody wanna come? Prolly gonna be early/mid October.

http://gizmodo.com/5351384/windows-7-ho ... e-computer
I was just invited to a Windows 7 house party... except that its really poker night.
I would come, but I sorta have stuff to do 'round mid-October, like going to school on the other side of the continent 'n such... :awesome: