I want your broken/fried GameCube and or heatsinks!


Well-Known Member
As I'm getting further into CNCing gamecubes and heatsinks I'm finding some of it to be trial and error to get everything absolutely perfect. So that I don't waste good GameCube motherboards, if anyone would be willing to send me any fried GameCube motherboards to test on I'll pay shipping and handling. I'll also pay some cash on top of shipping and stuff for working motherboards and unmodified heatsinks. Thanks for looking!
I've yet to fry a motherboard (humble brag), But I'm certain there is a need for pre-cut boards. Thinking back to about a year ago, I would have definitely considered buying one.
Fluxedo said:
Adding to this, would you guys want to buy pre cut boards and heatsinks?
I would love precut heatsinks. I cut mine with a hacksaw which does the job but comes out pretty sloppy. I've hoarded all my GC/Wii heatsinks if you want em.