I need help with my clock

Crazy Inventor

Well-Known Member
So I've had this clock for about 8 years, and a few days ago the projector just starting going. It started with a few of the dashes going out, and now it just displays a dash and a messed up 1 (which should be a 6 or something). I don't know if I could even fix it, or what kind of bulb the projection takes, so if anyone knows what they take, I'd really like to know.

This is the clock. Slightly newer than what I own, but still the same thing.
When in doubt the first step to fixing anything is to open it up and see if it is anything obvious. Since it sounds like the lcd is displaying garbage that is a good place to check. Be careful about getting dust or finger prints on the lcd. It will either be mounted via a rubber conductive "zebra strip" or a flex conductor which is heat sealed to the lcd glass. If it is the first make sure it is making good contact and reassemble, if it is the latter then take a soldering iron and press over the connection to reseal the bond (but be gentle and quick about it). The bulb is likely a red superbright led. If you manage to fix the display problem you could go ahead and replace the led with another color (to freshen things up). Just make sure to include an appropriate current limiting led. Hope this helps. If you find anything odd inside just post pics which will help give me an idea of what is going on.
sjm4306 said:
When in doubt the first step to fixing anything is to open it up and see if it is anything obvious. Since it sounds like the lcd is displaying garbage that is a good place to check. Be careful about getting dust or finger prints on the lcd. It will either be mounted via a rubber conductive "zebra strip" or a flex conductor which is heat sealed to the lcd glass. If it is the first make sure it is making good contact and reassemble, if it is the latter then take a soldering iron and press over the connection to reseal the bond (but be gentle and quick about it). The bulb is likely a red superbright led. If you manage to fix the display problem you could go ahead and replace the led with another color (to freshen things up). Just make sure to include an appropriate current limiting led. Hope this helps. If you find anything odd inside just post pics which will help give me an idea of what is going on.
The was fine, the led was faded. But I took it apart and just hit the Dang thing. Now the led isn't faded anymore, meaning it doesn't just show hyphens and stuff. But thanks anyways. I now know what kind of led to get it I want a nice blue.