I killed my N64 ?

I've done that before. There's a chance that it's just in sleep mode. Unplug everything, then wait 2-3 days then turn it back on.
bentomo said:
I've done that before. There's a chance that it's just in sleep mode. Unplug everything, then wait 2-3 days then turn it back on.

Wel thats weird.
Thank`s a LOT for the tip.
Well goos news! :D

The power suply took a nap and i had to unplugg it and try again and it worked ! :D

YAYz for me! :D
Because he's cool like that.

Kinda like me! But I guess Shockslayer forgot to upload my smiley to the forum...
I got it to work... and then not work.

The major problem now is to get the colors to appear right.

There are only 2 tones each color. Someone had that problem ?
same thing happened here... I was going to make a n64p... I opened the case, took off all of the plastic casing, and tryed to turn it on, to make sure it worked without the casing. At first it didn't turn on, so I was like, :shock: , but then I realized that I didn't have the memory pak in, so I went ahead and put it in, and it still didn't turn on. I tried unplugging all the cords, and taking out the games, then I waited a few days, plugged everything back in, and it still didn't turn on! And that was my only nintendo 64, that my dad got me for christmas 7 years ago... :cry: :cry4: :gonk: If someone might have a clue as to what might be wrong, I would very much appreciate it... :(
The only suggestion that I can give is to never attempt modification to any systems that hold any sentimental value. If you want to mod, you risk breaking it. Unless you are willing to risk that, it's better to buy another.
well, it doesn't hold any sentimental value, its just that I didn't want to waste my money on another N64, because the cheapest ones I can find are at least 30 bucks, and I didn't want to open up another one, just to find out that it would not power on after the casing is gone, leading to me having to buy another one...