I keep getting logged out of MR.

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Frequent Poster
Whats up with me having to re-log in nearly every time I visit?

All the other sites I visit aren't doing that.

The new kickall jlee made kicks everyone from the forums, too.

It seems somebody is having fun with it.
It would be fine if it was using sparingly, but its really annoying how often its used. Pretty much every single time I come here I have to sign in again.
Yesterday, there was a point where every time I tried to go from a topic to the board index I'd get kicked. I'm really irritated by it.
Long story short, this shouldn't be an issue right now. There's been some experimentation going on and its had some side-effects. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Ok seriously this is getting ridiculous, someone go in and remove the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing command. What possible reason does it have for existing anyway?
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