How does I was mah CD case?


Frequent Poster
I got this CD case for PS1 games, it has the PS1 logo on it and looks cool.

Anyway, its kinda dirty. I don't want to stick it in the washing machine because IDK.

Maybe there is like cardboard in it to keep the CD areas more rigid? I don't know.

Am I crazy?
Basically hes saying that he has a dirty CD zip-up case, you know, the kind that holds CDs/DVDs in sleves? Yeah those.

He wants to know if it is washing-machine safe, As some have cardboard inserts that hold the case firm.

Tell me EE, can you easily bend it, or is it more rigid?
go to school jesus

For once, I agree with you. I'm sorry, EE, but the whole typing like an lolcat thing is not cute. :/

As for your problem, I have a PS2 game case similar to this; I was just gonna toss it in the washing machine. (I've never done it, though, even though it's been months since I bought it.) I think it'd be fine to do it like that and toss it in the dryer afterwards.