How can I get digital sound working???


Frequent Poster
I have not been able to get audio to work with the Envision. I have my component cable wired up and the VGA picture quality works fine.

I noticed that the component cables last 3 pins (19,20,21) are for audio some how. No matter where I put the audio L and R lines, sound will not work.

Does anyone know anything about using the component cable and getting sound???
There is no audio out through the component cable digital I/O port. Just take it from the regular spots where the normal A/V hooks up.
Ashen said:
There is no audio out through the component cable digital I/O port. Just take it from the regular spots where the normal A/V hooks up.

Thats what I thought. But the pinouts of the cable have 3 audio related pins. And on the site that explains how to mod the cable, he mentions the cable being used for digital video AND sound.

But either way, I can't get sound to work. Can I just remove the preamp? I kept trying to relocate the pins to see if that was the problem....but isn't it not even necessary to have???
The GC can output digital, I know what mod you are referencing; however I think only analog would be practical anyhoo
Bush said:
The GC can output digital, I know what mod you are referencing; however I think only analog would be practical anyhoo

:confused: huh?

my digital component is already wired up and works fine. I'm trying to the get sound working.

So, Ashen, is the on board preamp needed? I'm wondering if removing it will fix the problem and get sound back.
The pre-amp can be removed and you can wire directly to the A/V chip like in my trimming guide. If you can help it though I'd recommend keeping the preamp as I think it sounds much better with it, but that's just me.
Bush said:
I meant digital audio. How would you connect that to your audio amp?

Well I have no idea, which is the problem. I can't get sound to work at all, I have voltage going where it needs to, and I am using a TV to test L and R audio. And NOTHING is working.

I cut very close to the preamp, cutting off some traces and tiny caps. I'm wonding if the borked preamp is somehow messing up audio. I think if anything grounds an audio line or messes with it, the sound will shut off completely. Just a theory though.
XCVG said:

You need a weird chip to convert the digital audio, but it should output nice SPDIF if you build the circuit.

Remove pre amp with all surrounding components that are used with it. Wire audio directly to the av chip. Still no sound..... Replace the av chip and see if that makes it work for you. If that don't work get a new board and start over as troubleshooting a problem like that will take allot of time. Just getting a new board and making sure nothing is grounded where it shouldn't be will take far less time.

It has happend before that the audio part of the av chip fried and at the same time the audio data signals in the flipper chip aswell. I then didn't get any audio from the cube no matter what I tried.

Also the pre amp is only usefull if you want boosted sound. As that is all it does. It doesn't make it sound better or clearer it only amplifies the signal to make it louder. If the amp you're using is crap and sound is very low when you connect it to the av chip you need the pre amp.
zenloc said:
Remove pre amp with all surrounding components that are used with it. Wire audio directly to the av chip. Still no sound..... Replace the av chip and see if that makes it work for you. If that don't work get a new board and start over as troubleshooting a problem like that will take allot of time. Just getting a new board and making sure nothing is grounded where it shouldn't be will take far less time.

It has happend before that the audio part of the av chip fried and at the same time the audio data signals in the flipper chip aswell. I then didn't get any audio from the cube no matter what I tried.

Also the pre amp is only usefull if you want boosted sound. As that is all it does. It doesn't make it sound better or clearer it only amplifies the signal to make it louder. If the amp you're using is crap and sound is very low when you connect it to the av chip you need the pre amp.

Thanks! This is VERY helpful! I will post later on how things went.