So, As the holiday session rolls near, What are you asking for this year? Posts a list or what you want here!
A zippable hoodie,
Chuck tailor high tops
Junk and building supplies
duct tape
Candy canes and cream savers
RC cars
sharpies and pens of that sort
usb flash drives/portable hardrives
Scott pilgrim books
subs to cool magazines (popular mechanics, readers digest)
Hot glue sticks
mechanical pencils
Sketch books
Sculpy clay
A ferari (Mauve or Choclate brown)
The country of Canada
The lost ark or holy grail, in pink or periwinkle
Garbage, preferably in hefty no scent bags
A watch (Zeturi Fulfilled!)
XBLA/wii points cards
A zippable hoodie,
Chuck tailor high tops
Junk and building supplies
duct tape
Candy canes and cream savers
RC cars
sharpies and pens of that sort
usb flash drives/portable hardrives
Scott pilgrim books
subs to cool magazines (popular mechanics, readers digest)
Hot glue sticks
mechanical pencils
Sketch books
Sculpy clay
A ferari (Mauve or Choclate brown)
The country of Canada
The lost ark or holy grail, in pink or periwinkle
Garbage, preferably in hefty no scent bags
A watch (Zeturi Fulfilled!)
XBLA/wii points cards