Hmm interesting

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Frequent Poster
Forum 47 is for random subjects, yet mine get removed for no reason with no explanation.


Joeyjoe9876 said:
Spamalot is for random subjects.

Nah that's for Spam, this is important.

Forum 47 is for General discussion. My last topic was General Discussion, not Spam.
Either way, topics are usually locked, not deleted. What was your topic about if you don't mind me asking?

EDIT: Also, although its named "spamalot", the title is misleading as its not strictly for spam, and there is stuff that is even too spamy for spamalot. The Spamalot rules can help clarify exactly what belongs there.
Zero said:
Either way, topics are usually locked, not deleted. What was your topic about if you don't mind me asking?

I was just mentioning how it doesn't make sense to ip ban someone if you then don't ban the username.

Seemed like a harmless discussion.
Not only was it in the wrong place, but pointless topic was pointless. I'm not surprised it disappeared.

As for the no explanation thing, I don't think that the staff is obligated to give you an explanation if it was, like I mentioned, pointless.

This thread is also pretty pointless. :stare:

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