Frequent Poster
Hey everyone! In the past few months I have made minor updates to our gamecube/wii megasticky to make sure all the useful topics don't get lost.
Be sure to check it out! For newer members, please consult our mega stickybefore posting about a question you have. Many questions can be answered in the stickies we have. You can find this link at the very top of the all the topics in the gamecube/wii section (but below the announcements section).
******If you know of a useful topic that is not stickied, please let me or one of the staff know, and we will add it to our mega stickies******
This concludes today's Public Service Announcement
- brought to you by Manlove - It's the man that keeps on loving
Be sure to check it out! For newer members, please consult our mega stickybefore posting about a question you have. Many questions can be answered in the stickies we have. You can find this link at the very top of the all the topics in the gamecube/wii section (but below the announcements section).
******If you know of a useful topic that is not stickied, please let me or one of the staff know, and we will add it to our mega stickies******
This concludes today's Public Service Announcement
- brought to you by Manlove - It's the man that keeps on loving