A pumpkin. Basically one of those orange leaf bags with a jack-o-lantern face on it, with poorly made newspaper stuffed bags in it. It looks like crap. The reason is that when I was little most I had various pumpkin costumes for several years.
Last week I was Billy Mays for a costume party, but today I'm going to be the Resident Evil 4 merchant for Halloween. I'll try and get some pics (or maybe even a video).
At the party I went to last night, we had a pretty Dang good Rick Astley.
Oh, and the most awesomely disturbing costume was a big fella dressed up as Zap Brannigan. Let me tell you, it we unpleasant when he was walking up the stairs.
There was a Rick Astley at the party I went to. He had the look down pretty Dang good. Trenchcoat plus black clothes. About the same build, complexion, and even had the red hair at the right length.
oh, and may as well post the Zapp Brannigan pic here.
Imagine seeing that thing at the top of the stairs when you're at the bottom.