
I could not care less. I dont like social centric social networking. Never have, never will. Its stupid. Which is to say, I dont want to socialize simply for the sake of socializing. I can keep in touch with people without an arbitrary 3rd party. Subjective social networking, on the other hand, is awesome. Things like steam, or these forums, where like minded people get together for a singular purpose without the umbrella of the network leering over it.
I like google+ more than facebook.
RIGHT NOW, it has a smarter community that facebook, but give it time, it'll dilute out, and it'll be filled with myspace angles and song lyrics.
I like the Circles though, that is a pretty cool feature.
samjc3 said:
I could not care less. I dont like social centric social networking. Never have, never will. Its stupid. Which is to say, I dont want to socialize simply for the sake of socializing. I can keep in touch with people without an arbitrary 3rd party. Subjective social networking, on the other hand, is awesome. Things like steam, or these forums, where like minded people get together for a singular purpose without the umbrella of the network leering over it.
^ So much this.
samjc3 said:
I could not care less. I dont like social centric social networking. Never have, never will. Its stupid. Which is to say, I dont want to socialize simply for the sake of socializing. I can keep in touch with people without an arbitrary 3rd party. Subjective social networking, on the other hand, is awesome. Things like steam, or these forums, where like minded people get together for a singular purpose without the umbrella of the network leering over it.

Cool story bro, not like we haven't heard a variation of it from a million different members in every thread about a social networking site ever.

Also, I have Google+, I barely use it, but feel free to search for me, if you don't know my name, you haven't been a member long enough.