Good way of removing Krylon fusion without ruining plastic?

Mister Shuckle

Active Member
So... I have a GBC case, it was a replacement case, and it was purple. I tried to paint it blue, and failed miserably. Now after letting the botched case sit for like, a month, I want it purple again. Does anyone know of a way I can remove the paint without further ruining the case?
In your case, I would just buy a new one. Krylon fusion is horrible imo. Never using it again.

Dealextreme has GBC cases for cheap.

You could also sand the Heck outta it. That might work well.
Can you buy from DX via money order? My grandparents refuse to use their debit card for online transactions. If not, maybe someone here could buy one, then I could pay them for the case and the shipping?
Mister Shuckle said:
Can you buy from DX via money order? My grandparents refuse to use their debit card for online transactions. If not, maybe someone here could buy one, then I could pay them for the case and the shipping?

Visa Gift Card
Do like I did and open a student checking account. You get a debit card with it, with no silly 10% fees like the gift cards, which means online purchases! :awesome:
Not sure; my Dad set one up for me. I think it's free if you get a student account, though. Mine's at Wells Fargo, so if you have one nearby, you should check it out.
I had a free Wells Fargo student account. I also have a standard free checking account with Chase.
Can't you get your own direct debit card?
From what I know, In NZ you only need to be over 16 and have a bank account to open one up.
(My bro has one, and I'm pretty sure he made it before he was 18, and having an age limit of 17 makes no sense)
You get them at the post shop, or if your bank does them, at the bank. (Post shop's cooler)
What's wrong with Krylon Fusion? Never had a problem with it, and it actually works. I heard that if you don't let it cure it turns to crap though.

Anyway, you might be able to sand it some and then repaint, but you'll never be able to get the Fusion out.
About debit cards, I've had a checking account since I was six. :awesome: The only thing is, is that one of my parents is on the account too but they don't mess with it, so it's my account. I've been buying junk online with my own money for years. :cool:
XCVG said:
What's wrong with Krylon Fusion? Never had a problem with it, and it actually works. I heard that if you don't let it cure it turns to crap though.

Anyway, you might be able to sand it some and then repaint, but you'll never be able to get the Fusion out.
I dunno, when you spray in thin coats (like you're supposed to) it comes right off. I used 150 grit paper, came right off.