Good frankencasing cases to start with


Frequent Poster
We should make a list of all the good products that can be used for frankencasing. I'll start with the classics.


Whatever you can find. there are a bajillion things that come in plastic boxes. That's not even a theoretical bajillion, that's a literal one. Anyway, yeah. Look around you, use something no one else has. It's more fun that way.
Just go to Goodwill and look in the kids' toys section. There's a ton of stuff there that works great :) Also, some people have used routers and stuff. I've also seen a few telephones that, surprisingly, would make good cases. :)
Also let it be noted that large Plastic shells, IE: CRT shells, Plastic Crates, etc. Are good for making a simple custom case. By cutting out sides for your case, you can make it completely custom, in every way. I use it as an alternative to Vacforming.
gamegear is a great case for a noac or goac portable.

You can even fit an actual nes in one if you don't mind having external batteries.
there was a thread for this a long time ago (like june), i think its in the megasticky.

things i have found:

-coleco kids talking teacher (or some such silly name). its pretty good for the bigger consoles. could maybe fit a dreamcast with a little trimming.

-linksys wifi routers

-psone case bottom halves.

but, really, i prefer cutting sheet plastic to my needs, even though its slow. (i wanna try vacuum forming soon)