Generic Ram Expansion same as Official


Frequent Poster
I know most generic Ram Expansion packs have 2 chips. This one has just one . Looks exactly like the Official one. You can get them from Ebay real cheap.






Nice find! I wonder if it's a chip that a third party made of if they made their own.

Maybe less power? Or maybe cooler? Any major differences on the back?

I can dream can't I? :cry4:
The chip shows a Nintendo logo, so I would assume that it should be pretty much the same. Though you know what happens when you assume...
I have one that's made by Yobo. It has pins for a second chip, but there isn't one there. Can't see if it's a nintendo chip because there's silicon paste on it for the heatsink but you could easily just trim off the top
"I know most generic Ram Expansion packs have 2 chips."

As far as I'm concerned the most generic ones are the official nintendo ones, and all of them have one 4mb chip.

hailrazer said:
ShockSlayer said:
I know they exist. I've just never seen one in person.


I've never seen you in person but I'm pretty sure you exist.....

Maybe just in my mind though :P

That's some pretty powerful stuff if we can ALL see his posts :mrgreen:

So these expansion packs...any kind of name for it? Did you just search "N64 expansion pack"?
Interesting. Did they rip those chips off old N64s? More likely they are clones, but why the "Nintendo" labeling? The only people who would open them are modders, and they most of us wouldn't be fooled.