Gamecube Voltage Question and portable plan!


Hey modretro! right now im in the planning stage for making my first portable (Gamecube Portable). And before people let me know that i should start off with a smaller project (That actually kinda has some truth to it...) I have done my research and i will most likely ask this forum a lot of questions (But i will try to find the answer for my self first) that i am hoping you will generously answer any question i have. And in talking in terms of the gamecube being my first portable...i say "If there's a will there's a way!" With that said, since i want to know how to do all steps step for step when creating my portable, i want to clarify on something, when guides talk about the 3.34v power line, 5v, and 1.9v power line? when relocating this what will that ensure? And furthermore, will you have to connect these voltage lines to some battery of somesort? I just was wondering the significance of these lines and what is to be done with them? in answering this it will help me in my quest to make my gamecube portable! Thank-you in advance!

p.s. My dad and i are going to go to the store tomorrow to pick up all necessary materials for making this portable (Also i want to pick up a couple of gamecubes incase i fry a couple since i am accepting the fact that this is a learning process and there will be a lot of mistakes i will make but will learn from which will make for a better portable!) is the list i made up...

More Tools...
Needle-Nose Pliers
Tweezers with locking mechanism
Wire Strippers (Manual or Automatic)
Sodering Iron-Xytronic XY-258
Desoldering Pump
Magnifying Visor
IDE cables
6 amp wires
Gauge wire (20-22)
Paint: Adhesion Promoter
Alligator clips
Tact switches

Lastly, I want to base my gamecube portable off of Tchay's (If it is okay with him) since that portable really inspired me to make one with that design, and make one in general! I think that one has a really good design and since it has the diskdrive, which ill be using, it makes for the right kind of portable i will make. I chose not to use the Wiikey fusion now since i do not want to fry the modchip since i want some experience first with making one such portable.

For those that have read this i appreciate your time and, if you do reply, your response as well!
Alright, chances are that you will not find all the parts for a GCP locally, your going to have to buy online. Now, those voltage lines are what power the gamecube. If you pump too high of voltage into them, it will fry your gamecube. There are two options for getting the correct voltages to those line, You can either use the stock GC regulator and just relocate it, or you can build zenloc's custom regulators and wire their outputs to the correct voltage line. When you relocate the stock regulator with wires, hopefully nothing will happen differently then when is wasn't relocated. I.E the GC will still boot and play everything. The problem of batteries is directly related to what you decide to do with the regulators. If you use zenloc's then you can go as a 7.4v LI-PO battery but if you use the stock you would need to have twice as many batteries to get 14.8v.
superben51 said:
Alright, chances are that you will not find all the parts for a GCP locally, your going to have to buy online. Now, those voltage lines are what power the gamecube. If you pump too high of voltage into them, it will fry your gamecube. There are two options for getting the correct voltages to those line, You can either use the stock GC regulator and just relocate it, or you can build zenloc's custom regulators and wire their outputs to the correct voltage line. When you relocate the stock regulator with wires, hopefully nothing will happen differently then when is wasn't relocated. I.E the GC will still boot and play everything. The problem of batteries is directly related to what you decide to do with the regulators. If you use zenloc's then you can go as a 7.4v LI-PO battery but if you use the stock you would need to have twice as many batteries to get 14.8v.

Yep Superben51 is right. The voltages power the GameCube and inputting to much will fry the motherboard. And that's a nice list to get started but MUCH more is needed and you will find that out on your GCP journey. Prepare to have some unexpected expenses as well. Now I'm assuming you have some experience in soldering as that's like the most important thing. That and comprehending diagrams and info. Online is your best friend for parts. Slimming the Disc Drive also helps as in its current state it's super bulky. Most of the time you will have people answering your questions but we are not going to spoon feed you everything. Some things you must try to figure out yourself. Personal Advice I give to you is Research, Research, Research. On here I'd say that 85-95% of the info is all here in black and white, you just have to put it together. Never underestimate it. It took 6 months of researching before I even opened up a GameCube. It will better prepare you throughout the journey. Also take one step at a time. Don't feel like you have to rush or try to do several things at once. Focus on one thing and move from their. Finally, Have Fun :)