Gamecube power issue

Hello Modretro,
This is my first time posting on this fourm and portablizing :awesome: . I currently have a 5" Inch Intec screen without any means of testing it. So today i tried to solder the negitive and positive of the screen to the gamecubes pins. When i pluged in the adapter the system and the screen refused to power up. I then removed the wires from the gamecube and it still refuses to power. Any sugestions to fix this problem and a proper way of wiring the screen to the gamcube is welcome.

SideNote: I have pictures but do not know how to post them. :wtf:

Photo posting can be done through services like Photobucket, Imgur etc.

As for the screen, Where exactly did you solder the screen to? If the voltage supplied was more than the voltage required, its possible that the screen may have been fried OR there is the possibility that a fuse in the GC regulator may have blown. Just a suggestion.
Thank Bum. So basically soldered yellow and silver wire to.....
I assumed that the yellow was positive and silver negitive.......
I hate to tell you this but from the looks of the first photo, that yellow wire is the video input and the silver is the shielding. As well I would suggest soldering to the two points on the opposite side of the power board. The points right where the power plugs in should suffice. Were there any other cables that came out of the screen?
if you click the forum link button on photobucket, just paste that, don't surround the link with img tags. img tags are for images that are hosted on a site, with the link ending with their file type extension
Ohhh. Ok, I assumed that was the video input. Thats odd that they would choose yellow for the power cable. If thats the case, then I have no idea why it doesnt work... I would still try to relocate where you took the voltage though.

It looks like you've soldered both wires to the switch that lets 12v pass thru. Don't ever guess as to what you're connecting to. Make sure with a multimeter first. Connect a ground and try again, If you haven't killed it already.
First off I would like to thank all you guys for the feedback :D .
Ashen I will get back to you on the power issue after the desoldering..... and you wouldn't have any advice of how to wire the screen to the gamecube's current power supply.

SideNote:The yellow wire comes from two wires,black and yellow, making yellow positve and black negitive.....though that hasnt been verified :sweat: .
UPDATE:Good news. I have desolder the points and the unit lives once more......or at least I assume due to the powered fan.
But I still dont know how to power the lcd......or how to close this fourm.