Gamecube Portable


Hey everyone. This was a project I started in late 2009 or early 2010 inspired by hailrazer's ncube. At the time I was 12 years old and had never modded or portabalized a console. I finally finished, aside from a fix on the Z button and the casing – it will look professional at some point, probably when I have more time. My buddy Jake, who also had zero experience with modding, but has built computers before, joined me in 2012. Up until then, and from there on out, we were working on/off, so I don't know how much time I actually spent working. After frying or breaking 4 mobos in an attempt to solder the wiikey fusion to it, I figured it was time to get help, this help came from Megalomaniac, so thanks to him for moving this along. With still no experience aside from this in terms of porablizing, I'm pretty happy with the fact that it even runs. At some point there may be an SD card wired up as a memory card, but only if someone can tell me if its a simple as soldering the right pins :D ... Is there a specific format for the card? We went with the classic nintendo purple/indigo color, and it's a crappy case made from a Poly Case ZN-40. Here are pics and a video. Thanks to all the people who helped me, even if you don't know it by doing something like posting a guide or whatnot.






Not trying to be rude or anything but those are some HUGE images maybe you should try posting a link to the images (Or downsize them)
Otherwise nice job i will probably try this within a year or so. But i still havent run out of gameboy mods. (Like i said ill probably have exhausted them within a year)
It doesnt look half bad for your first portable also i hear trial and error is the best trainer :lol: (Though an expensive one)
On the last four image links, add the letter l (L) to the end of each URL.