GameCube Freezing At Random Times


First Off I got My Wiikey Working, It Boots, Etc...


When I attempt to play a game or even if I wait too long at a menu the cube will flip out and freeze. I don't know if it has to be with the thermal protection circuit not connected or something of the sort but in its current state its unplayable. I tried searching for someone else with a similar problem but I couldn't find much.

Help would be Greatly Appreciated.

Thanks :)
That is definitely a wiring issue. Try making the wires shorter, cleanly solder the wires, and make sure the ribbon cable is inserted all the way in.
Ok, here is a few pictures of my wiring. I have redone them. Twice. Both resulting in the same occurrence.



The wiring looks good to me. There is a lot of flux so i cant really tell if any shorts. The wires looks okay length too. Make sure the ffc cable is inserted properly. Also make sure the sd card is formatted and all.
Yeah, I actually had a flux spill :P Went through and tested for continuity and shorts. Seems fine
I'm with gman, the ffc in one shot looks like it could be off just abit to the point where it messes with the connection. Try putting it in straight and taping it in place so it doesn't move.
Welp... I can seem to get it to work. I tried realigning that thing at least 10 times all with the same result. Do you guys have any other ideas? If it helps I could take a video of what happens.
Well... the exact same thing happened to me whenever the ffc was just a little bit off in the Wiikey's slot. Realigning it perfectly fixed the issue. But recently I had two Wiikeys' firmware go bad because my ffc adapter (same one you're using) turned out to be defective.
This is why I find it best to either do an ffc cable mod, go straight for the pads under the ffc connector on wkf, out get an adapter that had the correct amount of pins.

Edit: Hey can you get a video up? I just want to see what yours is doing.