Gamecube Custom Regulator Help?


Well-Known Member
Soon I will be making a gamecube portable with my uncle. I have ordered all the parts necessary to build Zenloc's custom regulator, which includes the three modules from Texas Instruments, and the resistors and capacitors. Since this is my first portable, I need some help understanding how the regulator is built. I will be using this diagram, as it is the only one I can find. In fact this is the only thread I've found that shows how the regulator is built.


So what would be great is if someone could point me towards some other diagrams on how to build the regulator, or especially some info on how it is wired to the Gamcube. I'm having some trouble understanding Zenloc's handwriting and it makes it difficult for me to build something off of a single diagram. I just need some better resources, or any help of any kind would be appreciated.
if you can understand datasheets (and trust me, the datasheets for those regulators literally tell you how to wire them) then its easy to wire them up.
I'm sure it wouldn't tell you how to wire them to a gamecube though...
Do I just wire each regulator to the proper voltage line on the gamecube and then input 5 - 14v on the regulators? What about the 12v line for sound? How can you power the 12v line with less than 12v? I'm confused on that.
Ok.. I think I have this figured out. But what about the input? Do you split your input voltage between the 3 regulators and then wire the regulators separately to each voltage line on the gamecube?
Okay. This is a last ditch effort short of drawing a diagram. Each of the regulators has an input pin. You take the one wire coming from the power and solder three more onto it. Then You treat each regulator the way you would treat the different voltage pins on the normal GC reg. Look at viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1654 and find the part about relocating the power reg with only 5 wires. If you trimmed the GC then you gotta use master Ashen's relocation points.