Hi ModRetro forums, I recently started on my first portable which is a gamecube and accoured a problem. Yesterday I worked five hours straight and got everything working, including the portable screen. At that time if I plugged in the controller slots card, screen and battery everything worked. I could use the controller to choose language and move up and down, but when I checked today something must have gone wrong. The screen are displaying a image and everything seems fine, except that the LED indicator on the controller slots card aren't on and the gamecube don't respond to the buttons pressed on the controller. Do any of you know what the problem might be? I tested the other controller slots card I had laying around becuse of my other GC that got fried, it didn't work either.
I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes it might be, English aren't my native language.
Sincerely Wouix
I tried to use my mutlimeter to see if the controller slots card are recieving any power at all. And it does, but only about 1,3v between Pin 2 and any of the other pins. But if I try with a 1,5v battery between Pin 2 and Pin 13 the LED turns on.
I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes it might be, English aren't my native language.
Sincerely Wouix
I tried to use my mutlimeter to see if the controller slots card are recieving any power at all. And it does, but only about 1,3v between Pin 2 and any of the other pins. But if I try with a 1,5v battery between Pin 2 and Pin 13 the LED turns on.