Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog (Finished 7/6/10)


Active Member
OK so this is going to be my worklog for my current project. I started this project last night because I sat there playin my GBA and then my hands cramped up. I realized that it was because the GBA is too small for my giant hands. So I decided to give the GBA a lil bit of a revamp to make it better for people with big hands. I saw that I had an old 3rd party Gamecube controller inside my big box of electronic pieces and modding stuff. Here is where I am at so far.

Now if any of you can help me figure this part out I need to figure out how to make it so there is a d-pad in there that sticks out past the Gamecube controller that will push the d-pad on the GBA.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog

so, uh, one thing i cant figure out. why is starlight your avatar? common courtesy dictates that you should use your own portable as your avatar. :dahroll:

as for your dpad issue, just rewire to tacts on some breadboard.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog

I am not good with soldering or any of that stuff I have never even like touched a soldering iron. I could prob not even tell you what one looks like.

Also when I get this mod finished I will make it my avatar. :D
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog

You have never like touched a soldering iron? I would suggest practing (after you get one of course), it's pretty much essential and will make this project easier.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog

The best way to do it would be to get some soldering practice and build a little circuit on a board.

You could find another d-pad the same size, cut the cross out and glue it on top, but it's a lot of cutting and filing to get it to fit cleanly.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog

OK this project is turning out a little better every minute of the day. I figured out the problem and got a d-pad that works now. I took the d-pad from the 3rd party Gamecube controller I cut it out so that it was the same size as the Gameboy Advance and then I glued it to the Gameboy Advance d-pad. Then I glued the Gamecube controller to the Gameboy and it makes it easier to hang on to the Gameboy now.

I just need to figure out what to do with the other side of the Gameboy for the A and B buttons.

Here are some pics.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog (Updated 7/3/10)

It looks good. Is it just to make the gameboy more comfortable to hold and for style points? Or is there another hidden use to it? (not being rude it was a legitimate question) :)
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog (Updated 7/3/10)

Well I have like ginormous hands and when I play the GBA my hands cramp up cause my hands are like too big for the GBA. So I decided to make it feel more comfortable by adding a controller.
Re: Gamecube Controller on a GBA Worklog (Updated 7/3/10)

OK so I spent the past 3 days trying to figure out what I was going to do with the A and B buttons. But then it hit me. So I took some buttons out of an old controller for something which made the A and B buttons about the same height as the d-pad on the other side. Then I just cut out a spot on the Gamecube controller and glued it on there. So finally after 4 days I have finished it. I know that this side of it looks like crap but it does the job. So here are the final pics. If you want to you can also find this in the Finished Projects thread.