Well-Known Member
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone can help me. As far as I know Ashen and Tchay are the only ones with GCPs with Component Cables in them, so I am hoping one of you guys can help me. I plan on rewiring my gc component cable chip to the corresponding pins, but I remember reading somewhere that not all the pins are needed for the chip to work properly. Pics:
I do not take credit for these
^ as you can see from Ashen's worklog, not all 22 have to be wired up for the chip to work. Here are the pinout to the chip:
^^ If someone can tell me which connector pins (from second pic) that I do not need to wire up I would gladly appreciate it. I know Tchay or Ashen probably know so again if you guys can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
I do not take credit for these
^ as you can see from Ashen's worklog, not all 22 have to be wired up for the chip to work. Here are the pinout to the chip:
^^ If someone can tell me which connector pins (from second pic) that I do not need to wire up I would gladly appreciate it. I know Tchay or Ashen probably know so again if you guys can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.