Gameboy Pocket: V4 Envy backlight unit fades Polarization

Hello ModRetro Users.

I have a problem which is not really explained shortly but Nonfinite won't answer me anymore and i really can't figure how to solve it on my own.

"Recently" I bought a V4 Envy backlight unit for my Gamebox Pocket Which i porperly installed into it , following the instructions to solder the wired like in the following image (also provided by Nonfinite)

The problem is that after a short time playing on the gameboy, the Polarization (= the contrast that makes up the image on the screen) Fades away , while the Backlight works constantly on the same level (with no lighting issues whatsoever).

How can i fix this problem as the faded contrast makes it impossible to play on the device.

I hope for your generous help and advice.

~ Phaseditto
Re: Gameboy Pocket: V4 Envy backlight unit fades Polarizatio

Same thing with fresh Batteries, holds 1 minute playable and then fails the rest of the time.
Re: Gameboy Pocket: V4 Envy backlight unit fades Polarizatio

It might be helpful if you posted pictures of your MGB.
Picture of the screen before and after the problem may help as well as pictures of the entire motherboard.
Re: Gameboy Pocket: V4 Envy backlight unit fades Polarizatio

The Screen and the backlight itself are 100% working, neither is damaged or faulty. The rest of the motherboard aside from the modded spots are also 100% working. The only thing i am not sure about are either if the spots themselves are good for soldering a backlight unit in or wether the soldering spots are semi-dead or working.