Gameboy link cables


Active Member
You can with NO problems trade a pokemon from a GBA SP to a pocket, DMG, and since the color has the same port as the pocket I dont see why it wouldnt work with that too.
Re: Gameboy link cables?

You can do GBA to GBC, just use a GBC cable. The GBA cable can't be used in the GBC because of the 4 way connecting the GBA supports.
Re: Gameboy link cables?

you can if you use the Game Boy cable made for the Pocket and Colour, but not the one for Gameboy Advance
Re: Gameboy link cables?

Y u no look in the booklet?


yes I have the spanish version, but english version can be find at
Re: Gameboy link cables?

I speak enough Spanish to understand that. I don't know any Spanish...