So i've been skulking around the forums for a while now and I finally decided on a project! I plan to do a nice little GameBoy Colour case mod (as the title suggests). Also i'm planning to add a front light to the screen. Anyway, I probably won't start the physical project until next month but i've got a design made up (see below). I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on what I could use for the custom screen (i.e. the section that the logo is usually printed to). Either that or does anyone have any idea how I could go about getting the custom logo on (if I were, for example, to buy a stock GBC replacement lens)? I was thinking of getting something like 0.75mm InkJet acetate and printing the screen/lens (whatever you want to call it, the bit with the logo on) onto that. I wasn't sure whether this would be too reflective though, any ideas? I'm pretty much fine except for figuring out how to add the custom logo, I hate the original (at least with this design).