Free MCboot ps2 mem card


my 3rd (and most promising) attempt at a ps2 portable demands a free MCboot memory card to bypass the need for a DD.
I been pulling my hair out trying to install free MCboot using the nightfire swap trick and the only ones i could find on eBay are from the Russian federation or the states and both of those would have prohibitive import charges (to the uk). I've already ruined a stack of dvd-r's and the only one successfully burned was not recognized when switched :( .
so i'm looking for someone who has maybe a chipped ps2 or an old swap magic who could sell me a memory card with free MCboot (and preferably openps2loader) pre-installed.

just post a reply or PM me :)
no matter turns out my laptop's DD was just flaking out on me as it turns out it wasn't writing to the discs at all and i tried it in my other laptop and it worked :awesome: .